Sunday, November 27, 2005

Holiday Survival

OMG.....Thanksgiving is over.......only two more major holidays to survive!

Holidays of anykind in a disfunctional "family" are trying at best, and boring at the least. They always involve meeting and being with people who, if not your family, you would not only not like, but probably ignore!

You, the visitor, always have to compromise on everything.......watching TV (missing your shows)..........having a five year old control the remote, listening to boring stories of others, but have them not care about your life events. Spending as much money eating out as going to a nice resort, buying presents just to buy presents ..........for people you don't even like, and getting crappy/cheap junk from them in return. (I would rather get nothing!)

You, the visitor, always get the worst bed, few blankets, lumpy pillows, etc. You wake up and go to bed on someone else's schedule. Your fondness for alcohol to dull your nerves, gets you labeled the "family drunk".

No one seems to care that you just traveled 8 hours, perhaps in nerve wracking traffic or weather and upon arrival, your family wants to whisk you off to the nearest mall....uh huh, that's sure my plan after being in a car for 8 hours!

For some reason no matter where you live, the road from your house to the "family" is shorter than from theirs to yours! Why is that?

I have lived in Colorado, Ohio, NY and Michigan.....all relatives have been born and died in Upstate NY! I think a relative visited me once each in over 40 years not living in NY....yet I managed to make years if not more often visits.....Huh? Even grandparents would not visit their grandchildren. My sister told me for what it would cost them to come to Colorado they could all go to Disneyland in Florida..............keep your priorities straight........uh huh.

So, now I can take down the harvest type decorations and start putting up Christmas stuff! I am safely home in my home with my stuff. I love my stuff. I feel more at home in a hotel room than at a relatives....LOL

Two more holidays to suffer through...............I will survive!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

End Times, Satan Walks the Earth and the ACLU is Satan's Minion!

Avian Flu, diseases, record hurricanes, earthquakes worldwide, huge layoffs, corporate bankruptcies, unemployment, recession, inflation, etc. These represent todays headlines!

Are all the evil events occurring today, such as school shootings,
war, pestilence, murder, kidnappings, pedophiles............ all the result of Satan walking among us?

Are the end times here? What shall we do?
Movies such as the re-release of the Exorcist, End of Days, Bless the Child, Hannibal, TV shows about Alien Invasion and others are very popular. Why?

Revelations in the Bible predicts these events. They seem to be coming to pass.
Evil seems to be on the increase. From everyday rudeness to the kidnapping of young children and their violent sexual abuse and murder seems to be a daily news reports. Twelve year olds dressing like hookers and teenagers going to exotic “party” vacations, fornicating, and being killed are also daily happenings. Satan is surely gaining power!

And now, Satan's Minion, the ACLU is attempting by their twisted legal means, through lawsuits, to destroy all hints of Christmas, from a “Christmas Tree” to holiday decorations in public places as symbols or Christ and hence a “religious symbol”. The ACLU's contempt of the majority of Americans opinions and beliefs are beyond understanding. Their connection to the forces of evil clearly apparent.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Early Fall in Michigan

It's pretty nice today...Saturday. Nicel clear blue sky, temp about 54F. Fall weather. My favorite time of year.

Here are some pics from around my home. The first colored leaves, the bike trail, and

a little garter snake getting some sun.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Avian Flu.......Media Hype or We're All Are Gonna Die?

Folks this is at lest 50% Media Hype. Like SARS, which when Toronto was shut down, they never ever asked at the US Border about possible exposure.

I'll worry when they start send garbage trucks for the piled up bodies!

I am more concerned about Terrorists, war with China, Iran, or N Korea than I am about Flu..............!

The USA has no plan, no infrastructure, or vaccine manufacturing capacity........for at least two years! It will cost billions to get prepared........Global Warming is a more sure thing!

Besides they are saying the "worst case" scenario will only kill 1.5 million Americans.....big deal.......out of 297 million population!

One "dirty nuke" in LA, Chicago, or NYC will kill more than that!

What would happen if all the birds died from the flu?

It will make boneless chicken breast cost $19.99/ almost cost what steak costs now! I am sure Purdue and all the other US chicken ranchers are shipping tons of chicken overseas! That is rediculous and should be stopped..........I want price controls on meat!

700,000 died in the USA in 1918 Flu. The population was 104 million

2005 population will be 297,000,000.............................I think more than 1.5 million will die!

We're gonna die...........we are all gonna die!

No Fear for Flu!

In order to make a vaccine, the flu strain has to mutate into the "human to human" spreading hasn't done that yet.......hence they can't make a vaccine!

Don't worry, be happy.........if this happens it is Gods will.

Does anyone realize that supposedly the US, states, and cities currently do not have the means or legal power to impose mandatory quarantines? Ban travel between cities and states? Close businesses, schools, and crowded venues?

I thought it was called "Martial Law"?

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Alien Invasion

There are three new TV shows this season about Aliens........"Surface", "Invasion", and "Threshold" . They all involve bad aliens bent on our destruction............not cute little "ET" types!

There has also been several new shows on UFOs shown of the Sci-Fi channel, FOX, and the Discovery Channel.

I watch them all. While not into "water" stuff like boats, scuba diving, etc. which the shows Surface and Invasion involve, the plots are OK. Threshold is kind of "X-Filesish" and is the "darker" of the three.

I just think it's kind of odd that this subject is being highly embraced by the media and seems to be of interest to the public/

Of course, in many a sci-fi novel or movie......Fiction has long been the means of revealing "the truth" about such things!

Do you believe?

Monday, September 26, 2005

Desperado Posted by Picasa

Civil Defense

OK Since September 11, 2001 we have been at war with terrorists. Every major US city is a target. We know that there were problems in the intelligence community. We have been terror victims before. We had multiple plans during the Cold War with the former Soviet Union for all out Nuclear War. We had a Civil Defense Agency.

Now the Gulf Coast has had two major hurricanes in a matter of weeks. What the hell has all government officials at all levels been doing since 9/11? Where has all that money, literally million of dollars, that has been spent for emergency planning and Homeland Security gone?

Communications during events still don't work. Evacuation and response doesn't work. Plans on how to serve evacuees is non existent. What the hell are we doing?

What will happen if multiple WMD attacks take place within the USA?

The failure of Government and individual preparedness will kill more people than the terrorists!

Wow, I have a Blog!

Ok, after multiple user names....many which I have used for years, but were rejected.......multiple titles and URL names, again many rejected........I have a Blog!

Let the chaos begin!