OMG.....Thanksgiving is over.......only two more major holidays to survive!
Holidays of anykind in a disfunctional "family" are trying at best, and boring at the least. They always involve meeting and being with people who, if not your family, you would not only not like, but probably ignore!
You, the visitor, always have to compromise on everything.......watching TV (missing your shows)..........having a five year old control the remote, listening to boring stories of others, but have them not care about your life events. Spending as much money eating out as going to a nice resort, buying presents just to buy presents ..........for people you don't even like, and getting crappy/cheap junk from them in return. (I would rather get nothing!)
You, the visitor, always get the worst bed, few blankets, lumpy pillows, etc. You wake up and go to bed on someone else's schedule. Your fondness for alcohol to dull your nerves, gets you labeled the "family drunk".
No one seems to care that you just traveled 8 hours, perhaps in nerve wracking traffic or weather and upon arrival, your family wants to whisk you off to the nearest mall....uh huh, that's sure my plan after being in a car for 8 hours!
For some reason no matter where you live, the road from your house to the "family" is shorter than from theirs to yours! Why is that?
I have lived in Colorado, Ohio, NY and Michigan.....all relatives have been born and died in Upstate NY! I think a relative visited me once each in over 40 years not living in NY....yet I managed to make years if not more often visits.....Huh? Even grandparents would not visit their grandchildren. My sister told me for what it would cost them to come to Colorado they could all go to Disneyland in Florida..............keep your priorities straight........uh huh.
So, now I can take down the harvest type decorations and start putting up Christmas stuff! I am safely home in my home with my stuff. I love my stuff. I feel more at home in a hotel room than at a relatives....LOL
Two more holidays to suffer through...............I will survive!