Friday, October 29, 2010

"The Warning" and the Calendar

A few months back I made the film, "The Warning", after thinking that the dates of 10-10-10 and 11-11-11 may be significant in regards to the End Days date of 12-21-12, which signifies the end of the Myan Calendar or as some believe, the End of Time.

The other night I realized that Western Civilisation has messed with Calendars since the Mayan timeline was made.  The Gregorian Calendar and the Julian Calendar are not the same.  There is 10-13 days difference between the dates of the two calendars.

So the possibly significant date of 10-10-10 and 11-11-11  could be in a 13 day range.  Hence the Cholera outbreak in Haiti, tsunami-earthquake-volcanic eruption, massive Midwest storms, etc could fall within this range.  In effect, "The Warning" may still be valid,  Perhaps everyone should take another look!

"The Warning"

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Myth of Democracy

When, if ever, will the American people wake up from their ‘drunken stupor’ like thinking that they live in a democracy? America is a republic, where people get usually only two choices in which to pick from an elite scorecard of characters.

What is democratic about unlimited terms of service, appointed officials, or an untenable recall system?

To call a choice between the better of two evils democracy is close to labeling it the same as faith or hope; a myth both in reality and in the minds of the hapless voters!

Monday, October 11, 2010

10-11-10 We're Still Here!

Well my "vibe"...passing thought, etc. that 10-10-10- or 11-11-11 would be a significant date in the count down to Armageddon on 12-21-12 was a miss.  Good news for thousand of potential fatalities.  It was after all, just a random thought while watching TV.

It was fun to put together "The Warning", a film from "Revision 13 Productions" another of my blog and hobby site.  Of course no anything BAD to happen.  Wink, wink.

Now the next potential disaster.the mid-term elections of 2010, in about 3 weeks.  Vote Republican, and vote often!

Monday, October 04, 2010

Random Thoughts for October 2010

It's been a month of so since I posted my short film "The Warning". As time tics down on 10-10-10, there is now a terror alert for Europe, several volcano's in Indonesia have erupted, and many Earthquakes of 5.0+ have been recorded. It is interesting to watch, something that was a minor thought one day, come to be.

I am amazed at the number of people on the right who are focused on living the Constitution of the US to the letter. Is this much different than living the words and laws of the Bible to the letter? Should there not be an "Update" for a document written over 200+ years ago? ...and no, Amendments are not that update.

The world is plummeting further into the abyss of financial and economic disaster, the problem as I've said many years ago, is too big to fix. God, nature, and human depravity will fix it.  There are just 4Billion too many people.

Many times in the past, I have said that the only thing holding the US and most of the western world together is "HOPE". When that is gone, kiss the rest goodbye to race riots, class wars, food riots, etc.

Well those are Octobers thoughts for now...but then again, it's only October 4th.