Saturday, April 30, 2011

Engineering and Construction of the Mayans

Engineering An Empire : The Maya: Death Empire.   
I watched this on the International History Channel this AM.  Many facts of the Mayan design and construction process of their cities and monuments were interesting.  Hidden passageways and chambers within the pyramids for example.  Their understanding of mathematics and geometry, astronomy, and other science was beyond their time.
Then I realised their entire Empire was on the Yucatan peninsula...the area impacted by the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. Coincidence...or was there some remnant that drove them...much like the Black Obelisk in the movie "2001-Space Odyssey"?  Much like the metallic meteorite that exists in the black cube in Mecca!
Time will tell...2012 is almost here. 


Friday, April 22, 2011

Obama Election Campaign 2012

Isn't anyone outraged by this campaign at taxpayers expense?  Using "Town Meetings" to spew his Liberal garbage on jobs, the economy, Libya, in a vain attempt at re-election...OUTRAGEOUS!  America had had enough "Change'...ALL FOR THE WORST!

The only people who support Obama are the Liberals with their hands out for the Government Dole...initiated by another Democrat named Lyndon B Johnson.  Democrats and Liberals are destroying America!  Conservatives, who are the majority in this country, need to take back the United States!  Fire Obama and his Socialist Liberal ilk in 2012!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Been doing "Homework" on Podcasts.  Appear to have all the equipment and proper software.  Found a few sites to upload to, and have been listening to a few.  Nothing appears beyond my creativity to produce something of equal quality.  Currently choosing theme music, sound effects, etc!  Creation is so much fun! Research seems to show people doing daily or once per week Podcasts.  since I use Twitter, Facebook daily, I am leaning for once per week!  Watch this Blog for further news!