Sunday, March 27, 2011

"Blogcast" Still in Development

Well, I have all the equipment for my Blogcast...headphones & microphone and software.  Unfortunately I am in a four month, rain everyday, funk of "Winter Blahs" and just can't get motivated or get the energy to accomplish my tasks.  I think there may be a pill for that!  Maybe if the sun ever shines again and the temp gets above having to wear a sweater inside, sleep in sweats, and constantly turn the heat on, I'll get recharged.  I see a pattern here.  OMG, it's almost 'Procrastination'. my old enemy!  Yikes.  Carry on.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Radiation, Agent Orange, Depleted Uranium...No Danger...You Are Safe!

I was shocked and surprised that the Obama Administration, CNN, FOX and other network talking heads were blathering that there was no danger from the Japanese Nuclear Meltdown.  The Japanese Government is perhaps the worst, most likely to prevent panic, but still down playing the facts.

Fact: Radiation will kill you!  Any amount is bad for you!  That's why they use it to kill cancer cells...Hello?

The US Government, for decades, has ignored the perils and deadly results of radioactive fallout from the above ground nuclear tests in the 40's to 60's, but also from Agent Orange in Vietnam, and the depleted Uranium in Gulf War I.  The majority, yea, all of these false claims and dearth of information, is to "Cover Their Ass" from liability and lawsuits!  Meanwhile people get sick and die.  Nice.

As everyone learned after Hurricane Katrina...the Government won't save you!  FEMA is as incompetent and useless in a crisis, as no help at all.  Why trust anyone else with your life and the lives of your loved ones.  Information is power and it will save your life.  Be proactive, not reactive. Below under "Survival Sources" are some sources of information about radiation, potassium iodide, etc.  Learn and live!

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

IDA Savings Account...Too Good to be True!

OK, our Building Newsletter had an article for an IDA savings account; matching savers deposits $3 for every $1 saved.  WOW, sounds too good to be true?  Yes, the devil's in the details.  Seems the account is only for people who are buying a home (not mentioned in the article).  There is a $4000 maximum account...and, you have to have a minimum income of $38,000.  HUH?  WTH?  No where in Portland, Oregon can you even begin to buy even a studio condo on that income.  Average home or condo is at least $300,000.  Our building is all 55 age & older, as are most of the Landlords buildings; 99% are retired and on Social Security.  In fact the maximum income you can have, and live here is $2200/mo!  Don't you hate it when organizations try to blow smoke up your ass?  I do.

Monday, March 07, 2011

World Ends Soon?...Who Gets the Last Laugh?

OK, The World ends on May 21, 2011 and Jesus Returns on May 23, 2011...a bus bench says so.  The Mayans and many other groups go for the 12-21-12 date.  Regardless, if either is correct, who gets the last laugh?  The folks who believe?  The ones who scoff, and are taken by surprise?  Certainly liberals and New Ager's won't be laughing...they don't believe in anything!  The believers will chuckle and grin their "I told you so" grins at the fools who doubted, me among them, then disappear in a glowing ball of plasma!

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Dreams of the Multiverse

OK, don't usually talk about my vivid dreams, but this last one was unusual.  First let me state that my dreads are in THX sound,  6 X 9 HD, and vivid colour!  Last night as the dream unfolded, it was made clear by a series of events that all dreams are from your doppelganger in the multiverse duplicate Earths and are all connected.

In one Earth I had come upon writings and scrapbooks from a girlfriend who had records not only of me since birth, but several generations of Grandparents!  Also there were "Watchers" human and little robot droids that kept an eye on you!  Needless to say after 10 hours of this mischief, I woke exhausted!

But it was only a dream right?  Maybe, maybe not!