Friday, April 27, 2007

Uh Huh !

Cancer is once again in the news. Celebrities and government officials falling to the scourge. Theories abound to the cause........genetics (family history)......environmental causes including heavy metals, pollution, etc...........also smoking, race, and lifestyle.

Allow me to give my opinion on the real cause of the death of the baby-boomer generation........Radioactive Fallout ! There is no cure..........cases will be exploding in number in the next 20 years!

Even CNN reported back in 2002 that the fallout was worse than previously thought.

The US government will never admit to this responsibility, due to the hundreds of billions of dollars in liability that would ensue.

Anyone born between 1945 to 1963 (The Boomers) were exposed to high levels of radioactive fallout from hundreds of above ground nuclear tests throughout the world. One of the main reasons for the “Test Ban Treaty” was the radiation in mother's breast milk.

Fallout in the US Northeast was as high as in parts of Colorado and Kansas from tests in Nevada (guess where I grew up?).

We are all gonna die!

Here are some information sites why boomers are and will be dying:

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