Sunday, August 05, 2007

Soup Kitchens.........Not Half Bad!

OK, I ate in the free soup kitchen a block from my "digs". Sunday Brunch was scrambled eggs, bacon, home fries, juice, bread and butter, fruit salad, etc. Tasted OK, and six hours later I am not sick!

Now I can eat free on my days off. :-)

There was a "free soup" meal at the college, but the free shuttle doesn't run on Sundays and its 9 blocks each way. I made a sandwich instead.

A friend at work, in the middle of the worst rain of the year last night, gave me a ride home and stopped to get the last of my stuff from storage! Got my computer hooked up, etc. Did a load of laundry down the hall....the hall looks like in the movie "The Shinning"! LOL

I guess I'll survive....damn!

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