Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Finally I get My Space!

The light seeps through the cloud covered sky, while rain drips like tears off the dying blooms of spring.

The disrupted reflections of life fade into the distance and into the past. Another day in paradise.

Finally at the bottom of the well of sadness, a gleam of hope slowly rises. A room alone for the first time in 40+ years awaits in the new month. Pessimism keeps emotions in check until the final bell rings dimly in the distance, a nearby church tolls the hour.

Friday, April 18, 2008

My Space !

From sea to sea, and state to state, My Space is being invaded by the rude and annoying!

It matters not, that I am the only person in a 200 seat theater, a 100 seat dinning area. The very next person that shows up will sit next to me or in front of me! What the hell is this about? One of my Graduate School advisors wrote his Phd. thesis on this subject.

This really pisses me off. Many times I will move, say "Excuse me, do you mind ?", or just go postal and ask, "Do you want to be my special friend?"

Come on now. If I am sitting at an empty table with personal papers such as taxes in front of me, why on earth would you sit across or next to me with 100 other empty chairs? Could it be that you are an obnoxious annoying noisy prick? I think so!

And when I am urinating, I really don't need any help or a witness to my actions. Oh, and by the way...wash your hands afterwards, you pig!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Wisdom from the Homeless !

Wisdom from the ranks of the homeless is more than abundant.

Elderly "statesmen of the street", some with 20+ years experience, convey their "survival" ploys to the young new comers on a daily basis.

Among the more interesting:

Financial advice from the chronic unemployed and homeless. One manages his kids 401Ks.

Tips on how to get cash for tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. Root for cans, hold a sign, beg, etc.

Veterans give advice on how to get disability checks.

Sage homeless health suggestions from people who hack, snore, and cough 24/7. Several have severe mental problems such as OCD. Think "Monk" on crack.

One sad note, having dealt with attempting disability at age 60 and being denied, there are many between 21-40 who claim to get a check or are attempting to get a check. Their problem....fear of work?

Everyday brings new insights. If the downtrodden, homeless and unemployed are so smart, why are they in their current plight? How can homeless people have new laptops, IPhone, and PSP systems, and fancy cell phones?

Where are these young guys parents? Why would you let your kid live in a shelter at age 22? Is there no family to help?

Out of 90 folks in the shelter about 10% are Latino, who barely or never speak spanish. do they have green cards or are they illegals? How can illegals get social services?