Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just Another Day.....

Just another day in the ruddiest city in America. This week I have multiple doctor appointments as the old bod' falls apart. Hurts to walk, hurts to sit, hurts period. Oh well, 3 years, 8 months and 28 days to go.

I've noticed that the NW must be the "Electric Wheelchair" capital of the United States...no where have I seen so many. Of course they are all "bullies" and drive faster than people on bikes! Talk about entitlement. Bah.

I laugh at all the Liberals here who think their "City" is the greatest place to live. Numb nuts in Colorado Springs thought that too. Talk about misinformed. Personally I can't think of five things that would ever make me stay here once I get my SS checks. I can't think of one. My problem and cross to bear...I've born worse.

Ah, let the crap begin...it's early yet. I can take it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I've written on this site, and re posted a few other articles about the coming “event” on December 21, 2012. Most research on-line, or from books, results in the generic gloom and doom scenarios of war, the rapture, earth catastrophes, etc. Last night, while reading and listening to a smooth jazz station, I thought of another possible outcome of 2012.

Going forward to December 21, 2012 as the hour of 11:11 AM GMT approaches, catastrophe, is indeed, only seconds away. But then something far different, as far as I am aware, begins. At that hour of finality, time literally stops. Stops in every sense of the word.

In that final second of time, the earth's rotation stops. Oceans and land masses are crunched, jolted, and rearranged as often predicted due to the lurch of rational energy. All time stops. The universe stops expanding, the earth stops rotating around the sun, planets and moons all stop, plants stop growing. Humans & animals stop aging, Seasons quit their progression, all activity down to the cellular and even atomic levels stops. Then, I think, something really interesting happens. It starts up again, but in reverse! The sun rises in the west.
Time is reversed, things get younger, clocks go backwards, etc. De-Evolution has begun.

The Earth, Mars, Venus, and other planets return to their primordial status (in millions of years of course), but at some point in time , at least these three will be fairly similar and possibly habitable by humans (at least bio-engineered humans). Whether or not mankind will regress to caveman status is unknown, and even so will take millions of years to accomplish. But it may be possible to arrest this human aspect by science...”suspended animation”, faster than light star ships, etc. What an opportunity.... to stay in stasis while the universe regresses around you, and an opportunity to populate Mars, and Venus when they become “like Earth”. Sounds better to me than the more common scenarios of gloom, doom, and death.

In three years, nine months, 3 days, and 16 hours we will know.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

House of Death

I live in Senior housing, everyone is at least age 55. Most are sick and/or handicapped. Residents call it the "House of Death". I call it Purgatory.

The ambulance and fire rescue come at least twice/day and cart someone off to the ER. Most come back, but some do not! Since the first of March at least three people have died, and two evicted because they are crazy and a disturbance to other residents. One of the nutters pees on the floor, and won't go in her apartment(it's haunted). Hey, it's free entertainment.

Like the Hotel California...you can check in, but can't check out!

PS, When I got back home, after posting the above....they were wheeling out yet another dead guy! Holy crap!

Friday, March 06, 2009

My Senior Housing...............DOA!

It was 9:00 PM Thursday night. The rain was pelting the windows like gravel thrown by a pre-schooler. sounds through my door over rode the TV. Yelling, running feet, doors to the stairwell slamming shut, sirens in the distance growing loader by the second. More commotion that a two for one sale at Macy's.

It was the old drunk Indian in the corner apartment. Two police cars, fire rescue, and an ambulance...yup, he was DOA. Then they gave him a shot of a drug I can't find that "restarted" him.........then they left him here! I've never heard of any attempted suicide where they let the victim go, let alone stay at home. What are they, nuts? His unsuccessful attempt to end his miserable life will only lead to another possible more successful one. Hey, there is the top 6th floor balcony.......just jump!

03-12-09 UPDATE

The Indian is being evicted....so he went nuts, broke two security cameras and didn't get arrested (no beds at the inn). Kewl.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Portland, Oregon.... "The City That Works"

That's the city slogan, painted on its trucks, etc., perhaps more accurately, it should be called, Portland "The City Without a Clue".

Snow Removal, while not that frequent, is second only to Colorado Springs, CO. in mediocrity. It should not take one week to clear 10 inches of snow from city streets. Three months latter, with no snow in all that time, folks still have their cleated tires on, clicking down the city streets. Back East, in the Snow Belt, plows work 24/7 until it's cleaned up. They plow every street and even alleys...oh yeah, Portland forgot those when they laid out the city, with the smallest city blocks in the USA.

Visitors to the "Rose City" can visit our cultural icons and parks, use our progressive public transportation system, while they circumvent the trash, urine smells, vomit, dog and human poop on the sidewalks, and thousands of bums, panhandlers, and teen runaways with Pit Bulls, and the hundreds of walking insane screaming at shadows. What a grand time for all. "When does my plane leave for home?"

With some luck & the sun is shinning, a visitor or local citizen may see blue sky, but due to the lack of building limitations, sunshine laws, construction setbacks, etc, the high rise buildings of 20+ stories and narrow little streets make it look like a canyon of concrete and glass boxes. Uniformity and maximum space for the buck, trumps architectural significance and design. Build a high rise condo building with sun and views of Mt Hood, only to have them blocked by the next high rise across the street. Most cities I have lived in would not allow zero set back buildings, will protect your right to sunshine (you know, solar power, roof gardens, etc.), require high rises to be "stepped"...like the Koin Tower and a few others. Lots of cities limit buildings to 5 stories for just those reasons above. Every other city requires off street parking, at least two spaces per unit, not use street parking. Building built to the edge of the property line don't even allow for trees! The ugliest area of the city, and a fine example of all the above, is the congested SW Waterfront area. Portland likes to reinvent the wheel on everything, it seems.

Sustainability, what it really means. Small cities like Boulder, CO or Ithaca, NY are good examples of real sustainable cities.


Obviously Portland only uses the term as a marketing gimmick to promote consumption and make people feel good about raping the environment. The sprout "buy locally" and have nice "Farmers markets".... that buy their produce fro the same California and Peruvian suppliers Safeway does. Sustainability essentially means using what you have locally and reusing waste, i.e., not growth or expansion or building high rise condos that don't sell, right on top of each other. Most of these building developers are not from Oregon, nor are the workers, or even the buyers...let alone all that metal and glass construction materials. Since Portland is one of the poorest cities in the USA of it's size, it is understandable that "outsiders" run things and the local politicians are in their pocket.

Speaking of Politicians, why on earth would anyone choose a flaming gay mayor? Only liberals, and families who pride themselves of having roots here since Lewis and Clark (make that no gumption to go elsewhere) want to "Keep Portland Weird". Congratulations you made it. Portland is officially a national joke.

Just when I thought I had run out of criticisms, I remembered a major one.....lack of shopping. In no city or state I've lived in, has shopping been such a chore. Forget I have no car, even with one, who wants to drive 5-10 miles to a Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy etc. This is a great example of the lack of planning. Perhaps the idea is the wealthy who reside in the $300,000 condos in the city core only shop at Macy's, let the riffraff ride the bus it Tigard.

Then there is the myth that Portland is bike city....not hardly. There are lots of irresponsible bikers, who run red lights and stop signs, weave in and out of traffic, go too fast on bridges, and ride on sidewalks when it suits them. I know of no city except Portland, that allows bikes on downtown sidewalks, let alone skateboards, but that is another ilk. Real bike advocate cities have dedicated bike paths (often abandoned rail road tracks), trails outside the urban core running on side streets, rules that are enforced etc. Portland isn't a bike city, just a city full of bikers. Probably because they don't own cars, or are too cheap to park one.

People, you know those people, whine about overpriced houses & rents in California...gee go look someplace else for a city of it's size and low incomes, look on the internet if you don't have the gumption to travel or move. Portland prices are outrageously high and taxes ridiculously low. If you can afford to pay $500,000 for some dumpy bungalow in the SE side of Portland that costs about 40-50% less East of the Mississippi, you can pay 1% for property taxes...that's $5,000+ per year, for the math challenged

Finally (ready to move to Kansas yet?) crime, gangs, & diversity. A few weeks ago there was an article in the Oregonian or some other local rag about how Portland, only 74% white, was not diverse enough. Now for many years I have realized that "diversity" was a white liberal term. People of color don't care about diversity, they want to be with their own kind. This is why there are ethnic neighborhoods in most cities. Portland is like "bussing"....remember that failed attempt back in the 60's to integrate schools? They put everyone in a big blender and mix them together. Section 8 housing in with the yuppie $350,000 condo owners, black and Hispanic gang bangers in with the Asian store owners and blue color whites. They also mix drug treat centers, homeless shelters, ex-con halfway housing with the seniors center and university day care schools., across the street from the $350,000 condos What fun, look how diverse we are!

But wait, Portland has crime, gang killings, drug offenders, perverts, child molesters, home invasions, robbery, muggings, and murder, oh and fires. What a wonderful community to move your little white bread family to. Sorry, your safer in Newark NJ, Saint Louis, or Detroit.