Thursday, December 10, 2009

Random Thoughts

  • Theories of Global Warming and Evolution, share the same scientific "mumbo jumbo" of erroneous science!

  •   The World was better off when the Empires of England, France, Spain, and the USA ruled the world.

  •   Overheard a discussion that College Professors consider themselves "Middle Class".

  •   Christmas commercials on TV featuring "Rolex, Mercedes, Lexus, diamonds, etc. as Christmas presents...the homeless - unemployed must love those!

  •   Folks who ride bicycles and motor cycles in 12F weather are not environmental....they' re too cheap to buy gas, pay parking, or car insurance, or don't have a car!

  •   Regards to the war in Afghanistan: The USA needs a "Scorched Earth" policy...bulldoze villages, Agent Orange poppy fields, destroy supply lines, and kill all Taliban and Al Qeda militants and their supporters! We should also use all armaments in our arsenal, including tactical nukes.

  •   In war there should be no appeasement, no negotiations...only death of the enemy and their surrender!

  • Karma will always bite you in the ass!

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