Saturday, January 23, 2010

UK & India Raise Terror Alert

The UK and India have raised their terror alert level to "Severe" following information of possible hijacking of airline planes, female suicide bombers, and related concerns.

One source says attacks are "highly likely".  Keep informed the mainstream media seems to be ignoring this issue.

National Terror Alert

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Conservative Backlash Begins!

Scott Brown wins...stock market falls 200 points, as Democratic investors bail from their health care related stocks!  Signs of things to come? is the beginning of the conservative backlash against liberal, left-wing ideas, higher taxes, and failed or inept social policies of the Obama Administration.

In my humble opinion, Obama would not get elected if he ran today!  In fact, if voters had actually known his left-wing nut agenda, he would not have even been nominated for the Democratic party!

Obama won, as rejection of George Bush's policies and Republican politics.  Obama won with the idea that he was going to get US troops out of Afganistan and Iraq, fix the dismal economy, not promote some socialist medical agenda!

The mid-term elections of 2010 will be the end of the Democrats in Congress and in many state Governments.  Their "blue smoke and mirrors' approach to social issues no longer works, have never worked, and the electorate will not be fooled in the future!

The future is Conservative and it looks swell.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Haitian Delema

Slowly as information arrives from the rubble that once was Haiti, a grim picture emerges.  Even before the current tragedy, the ignorant sheeple lived in filth and poverty, worse than animals.

The entire country is an ecological nightmare, with polluted waters, a teeming, treeless cesspool of humanity!

The IQ of the average Haitian must amount to that of a smart dog or monkey.  It is difficult to believe that people can be so clueless.  Obviously their population has bred like cockroaches and over run their food, fresh water, and other supplies.

My g-g-g-g-grandfather was born there in 1758, either a decendent of a Pirate or a Plantation owner, and driven out by the slave revoltof 1791.  The current delema and 99% african slave decendents explains why I can't find genealogy information in that country, and why they have such poverty.  It is impossible to name a black administered city, county or country that is prosperous and technologicly advanced.  It has never happened, and it will never happen.

Today, I seached the internet for black web sites concerned about Haiti.  Finally OpraWinfrey has mentioned and donated money.  Where are Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the other activists?  They'llcome out of the woodwork eventually...when it's safe! Where are the professional black athletes, music, and film stars leading the relief?  The only "helpers" you see on the world news are "do gooder" white bleeding heart Liberals!

Pat Robertson is is God's wrath on the wicked and godless Voodoo  and satanic Haitians!  Muslim evil doers are next!

Web sites of Interest:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"House of Death".....Strikes Again!

I came home from the Senior Center to my apartment building to find two cop cars and a fire truck outside.  One of the resident drug dealers, a smelly, fat, disgusting, old black man  had gone dead during the night.

Everyone hated him. They have tried to get him evicted many times for dealing, and now that they were rid of him forever, pretended to be sad.  Talk about hypocacy! 

The guy wobbled, being about 375 pounds, never bathed, pissed his pants, and bumed stuff from anyone he could find.  His day consisted of sitting outside all day long, talking to every low life that came by.  When faced with eviction, he immediately pulled the "race card".

Supposedly he once was a teacher and a dancer.  Huh?  He died a debtor, a drug dealer, and lying in his own waste!

I am not sad. I say one down, and 14 to go.  Who wants to live with dirtbags?

Monday, January 04, 2010

"Forgetaboutit"........Terrorism 101

My undergraduate degree is in Political Science.  As far back as 1970, I have held a dim view of the world and the direction global politics was heading.  The recent terror attempt on Christmas Day 2009, got me rethinking some of my previous opinions.

I remember very well when 9/11 happened.  I worked for a major Financial Services company in their Detroit office.  What initially appeared to be a horrific accident, soon evolved into an act of terrorism.  When the first tower fell, I knew the US was at WAR....with someone!

Everything went into lockdown....schools, offices, etc.  Fights were immediately cancelled, with rumors of at least 7 planes possibly hijacked.  The quick action of the FAA probably saved thousands of lives, because surely more flights in Chicago and the west coast had hijackers on board.........hijackers that simply left the planes when they landed.

Terror? Sure it was.  There is constant "chatter" and rumors of Islamic Nazis hitting the US again.  But ask your self, what would you fear more.....a dirty nuke in NYC, or two or three dozen suicide bombers blowing up crowded churces on Sunday, malls, elementary schools, athletic events or a crowded town center, all over the USA,  over the course of two or three weeks?

I suggest the latter would bring more terror!  It would also be easier to accomplish.  The real question is why it hasn't happened yet.