Slowly as information arrives from the rubble that once was Haiti, a grim picture emerges. Even before the current tragedy, the ignorant sheeple lived in filth and poverty, worse than animals.
The entire country is an ecological nightmare, with polluted waters, a teeming, treeless cesspool of humanity!
The IQ of the average Haitian must amount to that of a smart dog or monkey. It is difficult to believe that people can be so clueless. Obviously their population has bred like cockroaches and over run their food, fresh water, and other supplies.
My g-g-g-g-grandfather was born there in 1758, either a decendent of a Pirate or a Plantation owner, and driven out by the slave revoltof 1791. The current delema and 99% african slave decendents explains why I can't find genealogy information in that country, and why they have such poverty. It is impossible to name a black administered city, county or country that is prosperous and technologicly advanced. It has never happened, and it will never happen.
Today, I seached the internet for black web sites concerned about Haiti. Finally OpraWinfrey has mentioned and donated money. Where are Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the other activists? They'llcome out of the woodwork eventually...when it's safe! Where are the professional black athletes, music, and film stars leading the relief? The only "helpers" you see on the world news are "do gooder" white bleeding heart Liberals!
Pat Robertson is is God's wrath on the wicked and godless Voodoo and satanic Haitians! Muslim evil doers are next!
Web sites of Interest:
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