Friday, February 26, 2010

NBC Sports Sucks

Waiting for the Gold Medal Women’s Figure Skating to show up last night, I was forced to watch cross-country skiing, freestyle, and numerous other activities I had no interest in. Then at 11:00 PM (I am in the Pacific Time Zone), NBC finally has the Skating take place until 12:15 AM!

This is outrageous, all the hockey games, etc are on cable only (I sincerely doubt that 90% of folks have cable TV). Why can’t NBC state what sports are on at a specific time, rather than force people to watch for 5 hours? Why can’t they broadcast the Olympics in real time, day and night? All the other networks show reruns for the two weeks of the Olympics, assuming, no one is watching their regular shows, so the sports may as well be on 16 hrs/day!

I also get the Universal Sports Channel that is on 24/7 and owned by NBC…what do they show? News interviews and qualifying events from two weeks before the Olympics!

NBC Sports just sucks!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Random Thoughts and Misconceptions:

Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton come to Portland, OR to protest “suicide by cop” of a black man, but ignore the four white police killed in Seattle by a black criminal, and the stomping-beating by black teenage girls with black security guards watching in the same city! Hypocrites!

Strict rules of engagement in Afghanistan to protect “civilians” when they had ample time to leave….boots on the ground vs. massive air strikes….sheer stupidity that plays into the hands of the Taliban!

The Myth of Economic Recovery, when most data denies, not only the effect of the stimulus, but also the depth of the recession.

Thee to Four hundred pound fat people can fit into a single 17” airline seat. Same logic, two really skinny super models can fit into one seat also!

Myth of the upper 5% income folks, that accepting Social Security or Unemployment, Food Stamps, etc. …paid for with workers tax dollars is “being on the dole”.

People, bums, that have been “homeless” for 20 years are really homeless?

Beer, made from water and grains, should be part of the “Food Pyramid” and covered under Food Stamps!

Intelligence does not necessarily translate into fame and fortune.

“Global Warming”…….aka….. Climate Change, and all the assorted problems and solutions are simply the result of vast overpopulation by humans.

Friday, February 05, 2010

The Global Economy

Market falls below 10,000.......unemployment is high, Bank Regulation nears.....these headlines appear in evey industrialized country.  Japan sneezes and someone in New York City gets a cold.

The movers and shakers brought this global economy on themselves with trade treaties, offshoring, conglomerates, etc.  When everything is peachy keen, it was great.  Now, however as the "Third World " catches up to the rest of us, in a limited resource world, disaster becons.  It is only a matter of time.

In my humble opinion, we have two years and ten months.......till 12-21-12.