Sunday, April 11, 2010

More Random Thoughts:

Perky People – Don't you hate “Perky People”? You know, those folks who are always cheerful and happy, big smile on their face, their glass always half-full, no dark clouds on their parade, seeing the world through rose colored glasses, eternal optimism flowing out their ears! Don't you just hate that crap?

Busy Bodies - those mostly old crones who put their big noses in everybody's business, gossip 24/7, and what they don't know about someone, they make up! The old bitch in my building, “Laverne”, know how much everyone makes, what they pay for rent, what medications they are on, and what they ate for dinner two days ago!

The Death of the Middle Class – yeah, that's over, soon there will be the upper 5% and the rest. Gone are the days when a $50,000/yr job was a good job, now it's the “working poor”. Many have known for some time that the USA’s bloated economy was unsustainable, now, everyone knows. The “American Dream” is dead. Now there is the “Chinese Dream” and the “Indian Dream”.

If everyone migrated from Africa, why are there still Africans?

Sometimes you feel like a nut, because you are one.

Often, when I feel blue, I look around me at some fat, stupid, ugly people, and feel better about myself!

Who first had the thought, “Let’s make some cheese”?

Why do Christians enjoy tasty pork and Muslims and Jews don’t?

If Hitler was just a misunderstood painter, what would that make Obama?

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