Friday, February 25, 2011

Civil Unrest in America...A Thought

Can civil unrest happen in America?  It has in the past, "The Civil War", probably was the largest.  A few riots here and there from Labor strikes; oh, the Native American massacres!  Then during the Vietnam War, hippies and draft-dodging, anti-war protesters caused some mischief.  Let's not forget the African-American riots in 1968, etc.

So there has been unrest, a little violence, but no real Government response or put down of the insurrection by armed force, like in Libya and the other Middle East countries at the current time.  Can it happen?

The military takes an oath to protect America from all forces, both foreign and domestic...which may include 'you'!  The USA has obviously lots of guns in the hands of civilians...but the military has 'stuff'...intelligence, tanks, fighter jets, the NSA, CIA, & FBI.  I doubt a bunch of 20 something's would get very far in armed rebellion against the Federal Government.

But discuss among yourselves, what US President in the last 100 years, would most likely resort to armed military response to a massive civilian armed protest?

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