Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Armegeddon, The Rapture, & the Return of Jesus Christ 05-21-11 Judgement Day!

OK, it's official according to an Evangelical church group, Family Radio, the world ends on May 21st, 2011. Not exactly, the more common date of 12-21-12, but hey, being off a year and a few months based on calculations done hundreds or thousands of years ago, without calculators or computers, is probably pretty damn close!  But wait millions are preparing for that Mayan date of December 21, 2012...some aren't ready!  If true this new date will really suck.

2011 AD—On May 21st, Judgment Day will begin and the rapture (the taking up into heaven of God’s elect people) will occur at the end of the 23-year great tribulation.  On October 21st, the world will be destroyed by fire (7000 years from the flood; 13,023 years from creation).

I want to say that if not Raptured, I want to be standing next to a guy stopped at a light, in a new Porsche.  I'll have a nice new car & keys to his house!

Family Radio:

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