Portland, OR has thousands of transients, bums, & homeless! They lie around the streets on every corner with their stupid signs panhandling for drug & alcohol money! Most are crazy, high, or drunk...some are all three!
Oregon ranks in the top cities* for "homelessness" (bums). Most didn't loose their homes or jobs in the "Great Recession"...rather it's their lifestyle!
The very worst are the packs of "street urchins"with their pit bulls and various dogs. They range in age from 15 to 25. They are transients from other states living as road warriors, or so they think. They are mostly tweekers & are rude, violent, and aggressive! it's not unusual for them to spit or curse you if you don't give them money!
I found one sleeping outside my building Sunday...drunk. I kicked him on the bottom of his shoes and asked if he was OK. He slurred, "Yeah". I told him to get the hell out!
Portland is sleezeville & not a place to raise kids. Lots of crime, public urination & defecation...sex in public (seen it twice)...and inner city of transients & hustling poor whites and Blacks! BUMLAND!
*5. Portland, OR
4. San Francisco, CA
3. Seattle, WA
2. Tuscon, AZ
1. Washington, DC
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