Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Job Creation Myth

Wow, I have been looking for work. It sucks. It sucks big time.

I have about 75 graduate credits in Education and MBA courses. I have a BA and enough other undergraduate credits for two more degrees! (Yeah OK, I was kind of a "professional" student!)

Anyway..the job environment is highly competitive.....I mean 200 qualified applicants apply for the same $25,000/yr job. Does that mean 1000's apply for $75,000+ per jobs? Crap!

They claim there is a booming economy......to me that means every qualified person should be able to get a job with pay according to their skills and education! NOT! It means that the few jobs out ther epay more, but there are thousands who apply. That's just bullcrap!

In my reality, statistics say that 25% of people have a bachelors degree.......10% have a Masters, and 5% have a PhD. All that education should translate into multiple job offers, not multiple job appliers!

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