Friday, June 22, 2007

"What If"?

What if?

I often wonder, "What if........" Everyday we are overwhelmed by tragedy or news of tragedy in every aspect of our lives. War, the threat of war, the economy, the price of gasoline going up or down; the stock market going up or down, many times reacting to shortages, threats of war or terrorism, etc.

How long can this go on? The USA is over 300 million people; the world is busy working on 7 Billion souls. Our economy and most of the worlds economy is based on infinite growth, infinite resources, cheap energy, mass consumption, etc.

So that leaves me with, "What if.........?" Iran detonates a nuclear bomb as a test, or decides to target Israel, or a new major act of terror strikes Europe or the USA. The price of gasoline shoots to $5+ per gallon in the USA.......the Middle-East explodes in a new regional war. Or, given the recent news of Iran possessing 350 pounds of enriched uranium, Israel targets and destroys Iran's nuclear capability, in a pre-emptive strike!

Suppose Global Warming, or more correctly. "Climate Change", causes the Antarctic ice sheet to break off and starts melting............sea levels will rise almost two meters? Or suppose "Bird Flu" or some relative virus causes a pandemic bleaker than the Spanish Flu of 1918? The list is almost endless and limited only by one's imagination.

Pundits, both in the present and long in the past, have predicted the end of civilization. The Mayan Calendar predicts it to be 12/21/12, Nostradamus, Casey, Isacco Newton, and many, many others, have picked other dates. It may happen. It probably will happen...........someday.

It's not just, "What if".........It's, "What will we do? How will we go on?"

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