Friday, May 23, 2008

Wheelchair Bullies

I am sure you have come across those aggressive people in their motorized wheelchairs. You know, the ones who think they are special and deserve to run over anyone in their way! the ones who drive down the sidewalk at 15mph...faster than a bike or skateboard in "stealth" mode!

Half the ones here have the giant, "fit my 300 pound ass" chairs. The seat is as wide as a love seat and they blast along as fast as they can, barge their way aboard streetcars, buses, and light rail trains. "Stop your life, I am here!" they seem to scream, then get annoyed when regular folks don't bow before them. Uh huh.

These things cost from $3,000 to $10,000...most are "free" thanks to insurance...the sad joke is, almost all of them can walk! If you try to help them, say open a door, carry something, etc. They get all pouty and prissy..."I can do it" is their motto!

And yet, those of us with "hidden disabilities" never get a break. What's that about?

Like cyclelists who don't obey the traffic laws, bullies in wheelchairs don't have the right of way!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"Hey White Boy!"

Excuse me? You black racist pig.

I get this stuff all the time here on the west coast. I have been threatened with death 4 times since October 2007...all from blacks.

I get the white boy stuff, "old white guy", "what's up fool", etc. Every time I go near a bunch of blacks. If I called them "Hey Negro", or worse, a riot would start.

Or is racism just limited to us white folks? It is total bullshit.

Take the BET (Black Entertainment Television) a sad series of all black shows, all black commercials, where comidians make fun of whites and asians. Uh huh. Where is my "WET" White Entertainment Television...all white, all the time. No PC commercials featuring a person of every color, urban hip hop[ gingles, etc. Blacks would be screaming!

I lived in Detroit, MI which is 85% black for 8 years and never, ever had any types of slurs there. Of course two blacks at work lost me my job for various reasons, but hey, why point fingers?

West Coast Negros need to behave!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dreams or Memories ?

I am reading a book called "The Reincarnationist". It is interesting.

Several years ago I wondered if perhaps some of my very detailed dreams might not be memories, instead of dreams. Reincarnation speaks of past lives, yet some of my dreams take place in the future. are dreams, "souls", subject to space time?

Something new to research. Comments appreciated.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

End Times: Countdown

There are many "signs" to see that the End Times are here. I pass along several web sites that deal with news, prophecies, etc. Civilizations that are seperated by thousands of years and thousands of miles, maintain similar end dates? Perhaps because they are true?

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Coming Soon: Weekly Podcasts

Coming soon, in about two or three weeks, this blog will be available by Podcast.

The content will be new, different, and yet similar to the blog. I hope to include more original content, with writings, video, and original music.

Stay tuned !

Saturday, May 03, 2008

A Home of My Own!

OK, I move into my own place on Monday afternoon! It's in a 20 story building in the West Hills, so is my view the same as that of a $450,000 high rise condo? No, I'm on the ground floor! Hey, it's free and for the first time in 40 years I am living alone...ahhhhhhh!

No more compromise, no more sharing, whining, listen or dealing with other family members or "friends" problems. The rest of my life is all about ME.

I can't wait to cook for the first time in almost a year! Yum yum, what will I make?

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Job Hunting? No, Income Hunting!

OK, I am going through "Voc Rehab" to try and secure some type of employment that I can physically and psychologically do.

I am not motivated to do this at all. Applying for work, listening to annoying co-workers and a boss everyday does not appeal to me. Too many hoops at age 60. I have been homeless and broke since July 2007...28 more months won't matter to me. I have too many debts, that even if I paid $10,000/yr I couldn't pay them off in my remaining lifetime...(school loans).

The tests I have taken so far, show that my previous employment as a design/builder, business analyst, retail management, etc. It is what I like to do. It is what I am educated to do...duh!

I have been there, done that...It got me where I am today! Uh huh.

I don't want a job, I want an income. I have had three blogs for over three years. I have not made a dime, even with great advertisers, and frequent updates. I think they look good and equal to many out there, perhaps better than some. I don't get it. Unfortunately, I am limited to one hour of computer time per day at the Library, so "creating" interest is some what limited! I'll keep plugging away.