Excuse me? You black racist pig.
I get this stuff all the time here on the west coast. I have been threatened with death 4 times since October 2007...all from blacks.
I get the white boy stuff, "old white guy", "what's up fool", etc. Every time I go near a bunch of blacks. If I called them "Hey Negro", or worse, a riot would start.
Or is racism just limited to us white folks? It is total bullshit.
Take the BET (Black Entertainment Television) a sad series of all black shows, all black commercials, where comidians make fun of whites and asians. Uh huh. Where is my "WET" White Entertainment Television...all white, all the time. No PC commercials featuring a person of every color, urban hip hop[ gingles, etc. Blacks would be screaming!
I lived in Detroit, MI which is 85% black for 8 years and never, ever had any types of slurs there. Of course two blacks at work lost me my job for various reasons, but hey, why point fingers?
West Coast Negros need to behave!
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