Monday, October 19, 2009

H1N1 Swine Flu....Don't Be A Fool

OK, if you do not know about the H1N1 virus or flu, your from Mars or been in the Amazon Rain Forest for the last year. Wash your hands.....well duh! Sanitizer, tissue, vaccine, masks, seem to be in short supply! Old guy next to me, sniffling, sneezing, coughing...I just asked him he has swine flue...he left! Dumb ass.

The #1 way to fight swine flue is stay home if your sick! As the virus spreads more and more get ill, employers will mandate sick people stay home, getting paid sick days or not! Governments offices in Portland, OR already have signs barring entry if sick!

This also means to avoid public transportation, the movies, malls, sporting events, concerts, school, etc.! YES IT CAN GET THAT BAD!

OK, you won't be allowed to have "fun" for a few weeks! Waaaaaaaaaa! Better than death? Yes people will be inconvenienced, they will rebel and try to get away with mingling, etc. Governments may have to employ mandatory quarantines!

So don't be a fool, stay home if sick, get the vaccine....think!

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