Sunday, October 04, 2009

Still Waiting!

Bah, my daughter is having the second grandchild any day........but not TODAY! Of course it's more difficult for her...LOL She plans to work through the week! If working doesn't get her to birth, what will...ride a horse?

Attempting to stay out of trouble, but so many bums, addicts, and drunks annoy me, it get more difficult. In about a year, I hope to live in the country, city life is not for me! Denver Broncos on TV today vs Cowboys! It's cold (45F) and cloudy...another day of free Starbucks!

10-07-09 Still no baby.........egads!

10-08-09 Just got an email from my daughter...nope nothing yet! 40 weeks!

10-09-09 Nope, another day, no grand child. Geeeeze pop out already!

10-10-09 OK, still no grand child...tic toc, tic toc!

10-11-09 Just got email...not likes it inside, I guess.

10-14-09 My daughter is going on a 200 mile trip, 10 days past her due date! Uh huh.

10-17-09 Well she went on the Trip to my 9 yr old granddaughters cheer leading competition.looked all over the web for results..nothing. Bah. Still no baby. May induce labor on Monday! Uh huh!

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