Is it over yet? The Holidays? OMG I hate them, the clinking glasses , the meaningless toasts, the hugging of strangers and the vague promises for the New Year. But this year and last, very mellow. Why? No relatives, no buying presents, no stress, no ex-wife! Ahhhhhhh!
We had 14" of snow...they have no clue how to cleanup snow here. All they do is whine about how much it will bastards, raise the taxes. They need to discover the wonder of Road Salt. Only two homeless people were found frozen to death. I'd expected dozens. Now the whine is about all the road gravel (almost pea gravel) they put on the streets instead of plowing! Yes, it will scratch your car and break your windshields! Unlike Road Salt that melts!
The Social Agency that helped me get my housing, gave out "Goodies Bags" for Christmas...greedy, annoying fellow tenants went through a bunch of them, taking out the $25 gift cards & what they wanted, and even taking more than one bag! They did the same at the Christmas is quite disgusting to watch.
I hate crowds, so I ate alone with the homeless at the YWCA, a few blocks from my house.. Good enough. Pressed turkey, they ran out of potatoes, but the pumpkin pie was OK, and I got a pair of new socks! Then my DVD player broke and I had to take all my movies back to the Library. At least the $10 TV and the rabbit ears work!
Today was dry and the sun was out, but 8 days of rain are in the forecast. Three days of snow and they start crying "Cabin Fever", but 10 days of rain and gloom is OK? Duh. Everyone must be on drugs.
New Years is a non-event for me, I doubt I'll even stay up. I've only been out on New Years three times in 60 years. More hated crowds! Bah Humbug to holidays!
2009....bring it on!
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