Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow, Bitter Cold and Why I am Warm

OMG, it's as cold as anywhere I have lived.......7,000ft elevation in Colorado Springs, SE Michigan, or Oswego, NY by Lake Ontario..

It's now 21F outside and will be for the next week, with lows of 15F. Thank God..literally, I am not "Urban Camping" this winter. Last winter it sure rained a lot, but it never snowed or was this cold!

Now I have a nice studio with heat, although the thermostat doesn't's on or it's it was 60F in my unit when I woke up this AM at 7:30. Yet there are hundreds of people out there that are "Urban Camping" in this crap; some by choice, some by circumstance. There is no "day shelter" and the ones you can sleep at night in, such as the Salvation Army, kick you out at 7:00 AM and don't even open until 9:00PM. That makes for a long, cold day. The public librarys double as a day shelter!

It's only four blocks from "The Home" to the Senior Center, so it was a nice walk, with blue sky and sun. However, this far north, the sun won't melt the streets due to all the high-rise buildings, since most streets are in shade 24/7. Alas the many irresponsible building owners fail to shovel or salt most of the sidewalks. I guess a few "slip and fall liability suits" are in order!

Well the prediction is more snow on Wednesday and possible freezing rain on the weekend! Bah humbug. Updates to follow.

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