The latest from the Left Coast: two girls gunned down Saturday night and 7 others wounded. The gay Mayor, age 42, had an affair with a 17 year old, but waited till his 18th birthday to sodomize him. Uh huh. Seems many high school female teachers did stuff like that and are all in Prison. What would the outcry be if a straight 42 year old man had an affair with a 17 year old girl..yeah, prison! Oh well, it's the "Left Coast". Yet the official line is crime is down or low. I think it's worse than the suburbs of Detroit where I lived!
Portland, like Colorado Springs is a very poor and "Colored" city.....the average household income of $45,000 being about half of Rochester, Michigan or Ft Collins, Colorado, where I lived 13years.
Being a Conservative Republican, with a slight socialist bent, is pretty difficult to deal with here in "Liberal La-La Land". They have few rules/laws that seem to impact "the masses".......laws like public drinking, littering, loitering, speeding, running red lights, bike lanes that work, snow/leaf removal, noise, dogs crapping on the sidewalk, etc. The city is filthy with trash most places, and hundreds of homeless, street urchins, beggars , and annoying "binder people" wanting to sign you up to "Feed the Children".
Of course the city fathers ignore all this and proclaim Portland as a wonderful place to live, which strangely the 90+% of so called, Natives since 1800, claim is true. (How would they know? They have never lived anywhere else!)
I've come across dozens of polls, charts, and tables of "The Best Place to Retire or Live" and Portland or even Oregon is never on the list. Michigan and Colorado is though,in fact Ft Collins,CO was #2......Too bad the ex-wife lives there.
Eighteen months till Social Security......I'm outta here!
It is left-wing overload.
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