Thursday, December 30, 2010

"What Happens when all Hope is Gone?"

The dictionary defines hope thus: 1. To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment.  2. Archaic To have confidence; trust.  It is this almost fundamental desire or wish that keeps mankind on the road to civilization.  No batter how bad one's circumstances are at any given moment in time, one looks with hope at a better future.  But what happens when all hope is gone?  A better future is not only out of the question, but also perhaps even impossible to achieve?  Hope is then replaced with anguish, despair, depression, and hope-less-ness!  The road to civilization, instead of being paved with asphalt, is paved with blood and tears.  That road is a dead end.  Without hope, there is only death!

Thursday, December 09, 2010

WIKILEAK Followers Are Terrorist Punks!

I have issued the terrorist hacker challenge to Wikileak supporter punk hackers to "crash" my sites!  Bring it on buttwipes, I need the traffic!

Friday, October 29, 2010

"The Warning" and the Calendar

A few months back I made the film, "The Warning", after thinking that the dates of 10-10-10 and 11-11-11 may be significant in regards to the End Days date of 12-21-12, which signifies the end of the Myan Calendar or as some believe, the End of Time.

The other night I realized that Western Civilisation has messed with Calendars since the Mayan timeline was made.  The Gregorian Calendar and the Julian Calendar are not the same.  There is 10-13 days difference between the dates of the two calendars.

So the possibly significant date of 10-10-10 and 11-11-11  could be in a 13 day range.  Hence the Cholera outbreak in Haiti, tsunami-earthquake-volcanic eruption, massive Midwest storms, etc could fall within this range.  In effect, "The Warning" may still be valid,  Perhaps everyone should take another look!

"The Warning"

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Myth of Democracy

When, if ever, will the American people wake up from their ‘drunken stupor’ like thinking that they live in a democracy? America is a republic, where people get usually only two choices in which to pick from an elite scorecard of characters.

What is democratic about unlimited terms of service, appointed officials, or an untenable recall system?

To call a choice between the better of two evils democracy is close to labeling it the same as faith or hope; a myth both in reality and in the minds of the hapless voters!

Monday, October 11, 2010

10-11-10 We're Still Here!

Well my "vibe"...passing thought, etc. that 10-10-10- or 11-11-11 would be a significant date in the count down to Armageddon on 12-21-12 was a miss.  Good news for thousand of potential fatalities.  It was after all, just a random thought while watching TV.

It was fun to put together "The Warning", a film from "Revision 13 Productions" another of my blog and hobby site.  Of course no anything BAD to happen.  Wink, wink.

Now the next potential disaster.the mid-term elections of 2010, in about 3 weeks.  Vote Republican, and vote often!

Monday, October 04, 2010

Random Thoughts for October 2010

It's been a month of so since I posted my short film "The Warning". As time tics down on 10-10-10, there is now a terror alert for Europe, several volcano's in Indonesia have erupted, and many Earthquakes of 5.0+ have been recorded. It is interesting to watch, something that was a minor thought one day, come to be.

I am amazed at the number of people on the right who are focused on living the Constitution of the US to the letter. Is this much different than living the words and laws of the Bible to the letter? Should there not be an "Update" for a document written over 200+ years ago? ...and no, Amendments are not that update.

The world is plummeting further into the abyss of financial and economic disaster, the problem as I've said many years ago, is too big to fix. God, nature, and human depravity will fix it.  There are just 4Billion too many people.

Many times in the past, I have said that the only thing holding the US and most of the western world together is "HOPE". When that is gone, kiss the rest goodbye to race riots, class wars, food riots, etc.

Well those are Octobers thoughts for now...but then again, it's only October 4th.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"The Warning"

The Warning

I have often Blogged about 2012, The End Times, The Apocalypse, The Return of The Feathered Serpent, The Change, Earth Shift, etc. It is something I believe in, and like to warn people about, if only to have them think about the possibility that it may happen.

Today’s Headlines include vast forest fires in Russia, floods and landslides in Pakistan, India, and China, shortages of wheat and rice in the near future, and record heat waves throughout the world are only part of the warning signs that the majority of people have ignored so far.

The ancient civilizations that existed before the last ice age, and the science created by the Aztecs, Mayans, Egyptians and other more recent civilizations have all predicted the current climate with relative mathematical precision. Star and planetary alignments in 2012 are a fact. However, to get people’s attention, perhaps a more significant warning may be necessary.

Many predictions of the last days involve a comet or asteroid. An impact by a one-mile in diameter iron/nickel rock in the ocean would perhaps get every one’s attention. A comet that appears very bright and perhaps “green” in color may also come to pass. These signs herald the end time’s folks. Pay attention.

“What can I do to prevent this?”, you may ask. Nothing, but you can prepare. You have life insurance, car insurance, etc. Why not be prepared for these calamities? As the time approaches, get out of major cities, away from any seacoast, earthquake faults, dormant volcanoes, etc. Get a “72 Hr Kit” for each person in your family. You’ve had since Y2K to do this. I’ve had one since then. Supplies will get short and more expensive as the clock strikes down. Did you try to buy batteries on December 31, 1999? There weren’t any!

I suggest that these “obvious” warnings would occur during the last quarter of 2010 and again in 2011. The degrees of disaster will increase until the winter solstice of 2012 (12-21-12).

Hello out there? Are you paying attention?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sharia Law: Already In The United States?

by: Rob Stanley

Remember this little nugget of genius from Hollywood scholar Cameron Diaz during the 2004 election cycle? : "We have a voice now, and we're not using it, and women have so much to lose. I mean, we could lose the right to our bodies…if you think that rape should be legal, then don't vote."

This was part of a rambling and obviously inane monologue Diaz gave on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2004 as she plugged both Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle and John Kerry for POTUS. Pundits tried to defend her diatribe by saying she was expressing her support for Kerry's pro-abortion views. How that translates into "legal rape," I do not know. She should probably just stick to film scripts.

Well, Bush won after all that and rape still isn't legal. In truth, it's closer to being legal under Hollywood's darling Obama six years later than it ever was under W.

In New Jersey last year, family court judge Joseph Charles ruled against a woman's request for a restraining order against her ex-husband who she claimed sexually abused her. Judge Charles said he believed the man was behaving according to his Muslim beliefs, and that he didn't have "the criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault" her.

The woman testified that her husband repeatedly forced her to have sex with him, telling her he could do anything he wanted to her because she was his wife and, as such, forced to submit. Judge Charles ruled that the husband's behavior "was something that was consistent with his practices and…not prohibited."

Here, Judge Charles indirectly referred to Sharia law, the sacred law of Islam and, Muslims believe, the direct will of Allah. According to Sharia, women are considered inferior to men, and as such have fewer rights. In fact, a woman counts as half a man in giving evidence in a court of law. A husband has the right and the duty, both morally and religiously, to beat his wives (yes, they practice polygamy) for disobedience or misbehavior, however weak the evidence may be. A woman does not have the right to choose her husband, where she will live, or the clothes she will wear. She also cannot travel freely unless accompanied by a male relative.

Under this law, women are never independent from the fathers, brothers, husbands, and other men in their families. One of the most common punishments for women for adultery or other misconduct is the horrific and primitive practice of public stoning, sometimes at the hands of family members. In short, Sharia maintains the extreme patriarchy of the Islamic world.

However, the feminist voices have been practically silent on this issue. It seems "legal rape" disappears as soon as a Democrat is in office. But as Judge Charles has demonstrated, this is not so.

While judges try to respect various belief systems, as Judge Charles did here, they risk condoning Sharia law in the United States. In fact, a law proposed in Oklahoma, which will be on the November ballot there, would ban judges from considering international or Sharia law in their rulings. The fact that the issue is even being considered should scare everyone. We can only hope that Oklahomans have the good sense to uphold this ban, because without it, Sharia law would be allowed in America's courts.

Our autonomous justice system should not be considering international and Sharia law. That's a sure first step to losing our sovereignty and becoming part of a global community with amorphous boundaries, which the left and Obama would enjoy more than we proud Americans can imagine or believe. If immigrants want to take advantage of all the God-given rights and freedoms we Americans enjoy, defended through the decades by brave men and women, they must accept that they are under the jurisdiction of our justice system based on equal rights. In fact, the primary catalyst of the liberation of Muslim women as well as the safeguarding of American sovereignty will be the obliteration of Sharia wherever it is practiced.

About The Author
Rob Stanley is a guitarist, recording artist and creator of, a leading online community for conservative news, new music, political opinion, pop culture interests, and career building resources. For a free membership, to get the newsletter with several bonus downloads, or to get more detail on this article visit:

Saturday, July 17, 2010

More Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

How many of us are sick and tired of hearing the same news week after week, a media orgasmic frenzy on the missing child, the oil spill, the economy, etc.?

I see the weather change over the years, but do others? Are people idiots who can’t remember the weather of 40 years ago is different than today? Why aren’t they worried?

I don’t like smelly people.

I don’t like fat, disgusting people.

I don’t like people who spit.

I don’t like pampas, yuppie pukes!

Toddler children make me laugh!

I get a kick out of watching animals.

I saw an advertisement for an African Hunt to shoot male Lions. It cost $20,000 to $37,000, but didn’t include airfare to Africa. Why would anyone want to shoot a Lion?

According to my personal survey, 7/10 Luxury cars contain a blonde on a cell phone or putting on makeup at a red light. Trophy wives?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Are We Up for the Challenges Ahead?

 by: Scott F Paradis

Stagnant economy, burgeoning debt, environmental catastrophe, stretched military, declining resources, aging population, threatening foreign powers, vested internal political interests competing for self-serving ends - the challenges we face are daunting. We stand on the edge of a precipice. We can stare down into the great abyss - the graveyard of empires, the necropolis of dreams, or we can fix our gaze to the heavens, shoulder the load and launch the adventure of a generation. The time of indecision is past, the time to chart a new course is now. Are we up for the challenges ahead?

What do we know about human nature? A person's fundamental purpose is to relate and create. Now the energy employed to this purpose can easily be turned to destruction. A clash of intentions is but an exploitation of humanity's fundamental weakness - ego.

Ego is the yearning to be separate, secure and exalted - the need to control - the desire for ultimate power. On a grand scale - ego is the most destructive force on earth. As we close in on a population of seven billion souls stripping the planet of every easily accessible resource we must evaluate our status as a species and inquire at the most profound level - Can we, are we to survive? And if we are to survive, how can we flourish?

Human beings as individuals or a society are misguided by ego believing we are above nature. We are fundamentally attached to, dependent upon, one with - nature; the environment; the world around us. Every resource we exploit, every enemy we vanquish is in fact another aspect of ourselves, albeit one we do not recognize or appreciate. In the final analysis, we pay a price for our brashness, our insolence, our avarice. By way of excess and selfishness we hurt the planet, others and ultimately ourselves.

Now at a cross-roads, our species can die a slow and painful death disintegrating into competing elements fighting over every last scrap on a human time horizon of centuries, while the planet seeks to rid itself of this cancer and refashion itself on a time horizon of eons, or we can refocus on our fundamental purpose - relate and create.

We can begin anew. We can be in harmony with our world. We can begin to relate to one another, to nature, to the world and universe around us and create a new reality - a reality of high adventure. We can realize a unifying purpose. We can each create a world richer when we leave it - better off for having had us here.

The choices before us individually, as a nation, as a world community are: Will we consume or contribute? Will we compete or cooperate?

The answers to these questions do not lie with political bodies - they are not the stuff of presidents, or legislatures, or corporate bodies of any sort. They are answered by ordinary people, in everyday circumstances - in families, in communities. These are questions for you and me. We succeed and achieve together or we fail and fall apart.

The wealthy, the powerful, the privileged elite can lead. But, as has been since the beginning, their aim is to feed ego. Seeking their own aggrandizement, their motives have been an accelerator on the road to disaster. Don't look for leadership to them.

Until it dawns on us, the great unwashed masses, that the precipice is near - we will not act. The choice for the salvation of this world is an individual one.

Enough with the petty games. Enough feeding the egos of the advantaged elite. Enough manipulating the masses to benefit a few at the expense of the many. We must see with new vision, hear with new discernment, and act with new determination to remake ourselves and our world.

The answer to the question, "Are we up to the challenges ahead?" can only be determined by you and the choices you make.

Choose to contribute not to consume. Choose to cooperate, not to compete. Choose on behalf of unity, of harmony, of peace. Choose wisely. For your choices affect us all. Are you up to the challenges ahead?

Copyright (c) 2010 Scott F Paradis

About The Author
Scott F. Paradis, author of "Promise and Potential: A Life of Wisdom, Courage, Strength and Will" publishes "Insights" and a free weekly ezine, "Money, Power and the True Path to Prosperity".

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Are You Paying Attention?

I wonder if anyone, besides me, has noticed it yet; the increase in active volcano’s, earthquakes, tornados, flash floods, weather changes, disasters, killings; the number of anti-depressant ads on TV and in magazines, some very grim. Have you noticed?

If you have noticed, do you think it strange or alarming that these “events” are more frequent? Have you heard about 2012, read the “Book of Revelations”, or know of the hundreds of other “End Time” prophecies in most cultures? Are you concerned of the possible connection, or will you ignore it all as mere “coincidence”?

They say ignorance is bliss, perhaps it could be death!

Monday, May 24, 2010

"Clap for the Clap"!

Every year, we are inundated with "pink" for Breast Cancer awareness.  Run for the Cure is beated to death on TV, advertising, and bumper stickers.  Prostate Cancer or other cancers have various colors of wrist bracelets.  Yes, they are very serious.  My grandparents, uncles, and both parents died of various types of cancers, due mostly by environmental factors and heavy smoking.

However there is an epidemic of STD infection that exceeds cancer like a virtual plague!  Syphilis and Herpes infections, "The Gifts that Keep on Giving", exceed cancer rates a hundred fold!  It's time to stamp out VD!  No, it's not pretty to network or march for Syphilis, the agenda won't be a brunch or golfers wearing "pink".

Work with your local or county STD Clinic, accept donations on their behalf and help stop the spread of these diseases.

Thanks, for your support!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Random Thoughts for May 2010

Is John Travolta, age 56, and his wife Kelly Preston, age 47,  friggen nuts?  Having a baby...they'll be in their late 60's when the kid is in High School!

Economic Recovery?  Stock market down 300+ points, unemployment rises, world economy in shambles, riots, strikes!  Wake up people, today is the best day of the rest of your life!

Today is snowed 1/4" in Portland, OR.....could this place suck any more than it does?

Why yes it can.  Portland, OR or as Dan Rather calls it "Pornland" due to its large numbers of whores, strip joints etc.  Now, Oregon falls furthest in CEO survey of best states for business.  It is dirty, backward, and full of Liberals!

Playing my on-line "stock market game" I am up $4000+ today by "shorting the market" wonder Goldman Sachs made so much money!  What fun!

I told a contractor yesterday, that was being paid to clean the buildings vents, how to do their job!  I hate it when that happens.

I saw several insane people acting out today.  There sure are a lot of them around.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Autism, the Possible Cause.....A Theory

Recent news reports in the media suggest a surge in the number of Autistic children in recent years. There may be a possible cause linking research suggesting damaged or broken chromosomes and genes.

While not limited to Liberals, the vast numbers of Autistic children appear to come from Liberal environments, both philosophically and geographically, i.e., the West Coast.

What could be the possible cause of this epidemic of Autism? I propose that heavy drug use by Hippie and Baby boomers in the 1960’s and 70’s. The “Make Love Not War” generation smoked, snorted, drank, and experimented on a pharmacopoeia of drugs in their “rebellious lifestyle” period, only to grow up to be the movers and shakers of current America. Their possible damaged genes were passed on to the “Yuppie Puppies” who, for many, also continued the drug culture today. Now this third generation of a bankrupt & shallow gene pool, has come to the surface with an epidemic of Autism.  I also think there is a direct connection between these "fractured genes" and ADHD.

State-based Prevalence Data of ADHD Diagnosis

One could compare the frequency of Autism among Liberals and the geographical makeup of the populations with those of conservative, religious, family valued, and perhaps East Coast dwellers. Many folks who I speak to in Liberal Oregon, still brag about their anti-war protest times, and many still use various drugs today. I know more pot smokers, for example, in my Senior 55+ building than I ever did in college in the 1960’s. Obviously I was not a drug user or a hippy, but rather a Young Republican and pro-war advocate.

I’ll bet on a relationship, but lets look at some research:

Fighting Autism....Rates & Maps

Liberals in US

Red = Republican (Consrvatives)
Blue = Democrat (Liberals)
My conclusion, drug use by Liberal air-heads of the 1960's and their offspring has resulted in the epidemic of Autism and ADHD in the US.  Believe it or not!


Environmental component related to fallout from Nuclear tests in the 1940's to 60's  and hazardess waste.

Iodine 1312 Exposure Map from Nuclear Tests

US Pollution Map

Sunday, April 11, 2010

More Random Thoughts:

Perky People – Don't you hate “Perky People”? You know, those folks who are always cheerful and happy, big smile on their face, their glass always half-full, no dark clouds on their parade, seeing the world through rose colored glasses, eternal optimism flowing out their ears! Don't you just hate that crap?

Busy Bodies - those mostly old crones who put their big noses in everybody's business, gossip 24/7, and what they don't know about someone, they make up! The old bitch in my building, “Laverne”, know how much everyone makes, what they pay for rent, what medications they are on, and what they ate for dinner two days ago!

The Death of the Middle Class – yeah, that's over, soon there will be the upper 5% and the rest. Gone are the days when a $50,000/yr job was a good job, now it's the “working poor”. Many have known for some time that the USA’s bloated economy was unsustainable, now, everyone knows. The “American Dream” is dead. Now there is the “Chinese Dream” and the “Indian Dream”.

If everyone migrated from Africa, why are there still Africans?

Sometimes you feel like a nut, because you are one.

Often, when I feel blue, I look around me at some fat, stupid, ugly people, and feel better about myself!

Who first had the thought, “Let’s make some cheese”?

Why do Christians enjoy tasty pork and Muslims and Jews don’t?

If Hitler was just a misunderstood painter, what would that make Obama?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Taking America Back - How to Fix the Economy in 365 days without destroying America

by: David M Arnold

It is becoming more obvious as time passes, that, elected officials are no longer representing the American people, but rather, special interest groups. The longer our elected officials serve the more corrupt they become. I have outlined several ways of significant importance that We can take America back and fix the major problems within the economy.

Amending the Constitution  It is time to correct the wrong that was never presented. I propose a Constitutional Amendment that makes elected politicians be on term limits. The plan is very simple.

The House of Representatives can serve up to 6 terms (12 years). They will be mandated to give up their seat for one term (2 years) and then be eligible to run for the House again. This will allow a stop-gap from allowing corruption to infiltrate our system in the House of Representative.

The Senate will be allowed to run for 3 terms (18 years). They will be mandated to give up their seat for one term (6 years) and then be eligible to run for the Senate again. This will allow a stop-gap from allowing corruption to infiltrate our system in the Senate.

Any criminal activity needs to be investigated and prosecuted and hold all elected politicians accountable. Again, this is not about politicians, it̢۪s about protecting the American people!

House and Senate Behavior.

Read the Legislation. Pass legislation which says, bills cannot be rushed or voted on until all members of the House and Senate have read them.

Eliminate Ear Marks and Pork Barrel Spending until there is a balanced budget.

Tort Reform:  It is time to change the court systems. Elected politicians are supposed to represent ALL of us as the constituents. However, mention Tort Reform, and they protect their own. When they become elected public official; they give up their right to be a lawyer. They cannot just cover their craft. The plan is very simple:

Cap Legal Fees. Loser Pays. Having loser pays will strengthen people desire to file a lawsuit and any lawsuit should have a justifiable reason.

End Frivolous Lawsuits. In the court system, you can appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court. If there are to be frivolous lawsuits, then they should be limited to 4. Again loser pays!

Healthcare: This is 1/6th of our GNP. Having a Socialist healthcare system is a failure. It will only weaken our research and development and will put our healthcare below the standards of other average nations. The plan is very simple:

Repeal the current plan if passes. Should the unthinkable happen, we need to take Healthcare back.

Tort Reform healthcare practices. This will substantially lower the costs of healthcare.

Doctors can work for the public option for two years after completion and receive a base salary and have 50% of their medical school loans paid off by the government.

Insurance plans need to be 100% portable and people can choose which Private or Public Option they prefer. If public option is preferred, there will be a choice of 3 options 80/20 plan, 70/30 plan, or the 50/50 plan. The Government will pay for 100% catastrophic which allows individuals to pay for their preferred plan. This will cut the cost of private insurance and allow competition without a government takeover.

Eliminate Medicare and Medicaid. These individuals will be able to afford any of the options and after age 65 receive a discount to offset inflation.

Social Welfare. There is so much abuse in the welfare system that it is time to evaluate current programs. The plan is real simple.

Cap Benefits. Since this is the most abused system and most failed programs in American history, it is time to wean off the dependency. Every American Citizen will be allowed a $75,000 lifetime benefit that covers any situation other than unemployment. Unemployment is not a welfare program. Private and/or public non-profit programs can help individuals gain necessary skills and become productive citizens rather than unproductive citizens.

Education. The plan is real simple.

Eliminate the Department of Education and allow the States to control their educational requirements. Allow school vouchers for people to choose which school they can attend.

Tax Reform. We need to level the playing field. The tax laws are vast, unfair, and obsolete. The plan is real simple.

Flat Tax at 17%. This will incentivize people to start their own business and provide competition. If you look around, the wealthiest individuals are business owners that took a dream and made it a job creating company.

Two Year Moratorium on Capital Gains Tax for two years and incorporate that back in at 27%. Unemployment will go down, deficits will be paid off, and prosperity will flourish.

Public Policy. There are many bad policies that take away from our prosperity. If it hurts our prosperity then its bad for America! The Plan is real simple.

Repeal the following:

Cap and Trade if passed

Exportation laws: Things need to be made in America

Ban on Drilling.  We have the resources in our own country to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil. We can drill and the profits can go to help generate better technologies for green energy.

Nuclear Power Plants. We need them and this will create thousands of jobs and energy independence.

It is very obvious that the Socialist Liberal Democratic wing of the political system will not go for any of these ideas. That is why we need to elect Conservatives and take control of the House and Senate.


About The Author

David M Arnold is an experienced Therapist, Counselor, Mediator, and Life Coach that brings his personal experience to help you achieve success. Areas of interests include Relationship Development, Business Development, Real Estate, Financial Coaching, Internet Marketing, and Healthcare.

Monday, March 22, 2010

My Psychiatrist Says I'm Sane!

I went  to see the shrink today to get my anxiety and depression medications refilled.  Seems I am good for a year now.

He made me fill out a dumb little "test" to see my moods.  My moods are OK, just nothing to jump up and down about cheering, "God Loves Me", getting all warm and fuzzing about puppies and rainbows, etc.

They always ask, "Do you think about suicide?"  Hell no, I never think of that. I think of killing the thousands who piss me off.......but of course I never say that!  I wonder how different my life would have been if I had been diagnosed in my 20's with depression, instead of in 1993?  Oh well, just another screw-up.

OK, I am tearing up here, thinking about a I'm not!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

CBS Sports Sucks!

I am not a big college or NBA Basketball fan.  I like, and want to watch two or three teams at most, once in awhile.  CBS coverage of the "Road to the Final Four" sucks as bad as NBC's coverage of the 2010 Olympics.  Who, but a true sports nut, wants to watch 64 teams I've mostly never heard of in my entire 61 years of life?  Gonzaga...........who the hell is that, and why would I watch them?

I wanted to watch the #1 Seed........Syracuse University....period.  CBS showed every other game but five friggen minutes of that game!

CBS Sports Sucks!

Friday, March 05, 2010

We the People

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

We the people should immediately demand the end to Lobbying by all “special interest” groups! There is no constitutional basis for its continuance.

We should demand a Constitutional Amendment to limit all Congressional terms to two! Stop “Professional Politicians”.

We need to put a stop to party politics, either by the addition of a viable third party, an easement in the recall vote, or an undetermined method for voicing the will of the majority of the citizens of the USA. Representatives need to reflect the will of the people rather than their own agenda & those of interest groups.

The people of the United States need to take back their country and their government. They can do it. They need to do it. They must do it!

“Power to the People!”

Friday, February 26, 2010

NBC Sports Sucks

Waiting for the Gold Medal Women’s Figure Skating to show up last night, I was forced to watch cross-country skiing, freestyle, and numerous other activities I had no interest in. Then at 11:00 PM (I am in the Pacific Time Zone), NBC finally has the Skating take place until 12:15 AM!

This is outrageous, all the hockey games, etc are on cable only (I sincerely doubt that 90% of folks have cable TV). Why can’t NBC state what sports are on at a specific time, rather than force people to watch for 5 hours? Why can’t they broadcast the Olympics in real time, day and night? All the other networks show reruns for the two weeks of the Olympics, assuming, no one is watching their regular shows, so the sports may as well be on 16 hrs/day!

I also get the Universal Sports Channel that is on 24/7 and owned by NBC…what do they show? News interviews and qualifying events from two weeks before the Olympics!

NBC Sports just sucks!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Random Thoughts and Misconceptions:

Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton come to Portland, OR to protest “suicide by cop” of a black man, but ignore the four white police killed in Seattle by a black criminal, and the stomping-beating by black teenage girls with black security guards watching in the same city! Hypocrites!

Strict rules of engagement in Afghanistan to protect “civilians” when they had ample time to leave….boots on the ground vs. massive air strikes….sheer stupidity that plays into the hands of the Taliban!

The Myth of Economic Recovery, when most data denies, not only the effect of the stimulus, but also the depth of the recession.

Thee to Four hundred pound fat people can fit into a single 17” airline seat. Same logic, two really skinny super models can fit into one seat also!

Myth of the upper 5% income folks, that accepting Social Security or Unemployment, Food Stamps, etc. …paid for with workers tax dollars is “being on the dole”.

People, bums, that have been “homeless” for 20 years are really homeless?

Beer, made from water and grains, should be part of the “Food Pyramid” and covered under Food Stamps!

Intelligence does not necessarily translate into fame and fortune.

“Global Warming”…….aka….. Climate Change, and all the assorted problems and solutions are simply the result of vast overpopulation by humans.

Friday, February 05, 2010

The Global Economy

Market falls below 10,000.......unemployment is high, Bank Regulation nears.....these headlines appear in evey industrialized country.  Japan sneezes and someone in New York City gets a cold.

The movers and shakers brought this global economy on themselves with trade treaties, offshoring, conglomerates, etc.  When everything is peachy keen, it was great.  Now, however as the "Third World " catches up to the rest of us, in a limited resource world, disaster becons.  It is only a matter of time.

In my humble opinion, we have two years and ten months.......till 12-21-12.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

UK & India Raise Terror Alert

The UK and India have raised their terror alert level to "Severe" following information of possible hijacking of airline planes, female suicide bombers, and related concerns.

One source says attacks are "highly likely".  Keep informed the mainstream media seems to be ignoring this issue.

National Terror Alert

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Conservative Backlash Begins!

Scott Brown wins...stock market falls 200 points, as Democratic investors bail from their health care related stocks!  Signs of things to come? is the beginning of the conservative backlash against liberal, left-wing ideas, higher taxes, and failed or inept social policies of the Obama Administration.

In my humble opinion, Obama would not get elected if he ran today!  In fact, if voters had actually known his left-wing nut agenda, he would not have even been nominated for the Democratic party!

Obama won, as rejection of George Bush's policies and Republican politics.  Obama won with the idea that he was going to get US troops out of Afganistan and Iraq, fix the dismal economy, not promote some socialist medical agenda!

The mid-term elections of 2010 will be the end of the Democrats in Congress and in many state Governments.  Their "blue smoke and mirrors' approach to social issues no longer works, have never worked, and the electorate will not be fooled in the future!

The future is Conservative and it looks swell.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Haitian Delema

Slowly as information arrives from the rubble that once was Haiti, a grim picture emerges.  Even before the current tragedy, the ignorant sheeple lived in filth and poverty, worse than animals.

The entire country is an ecological nightmare, with polluted waters, a teeming, treeless cesspool of humanity!

The IQ of the average Haitian must amount to that of a smart dog or monkey.  It is difficult to believe that people can be so clueless.  Obviously their population has bred like cockroaches and over run their food, fresh water, and other supplies.

My g-g-g-g-grandfather was born there in 1758, either a decendent of a Pirate or a Plantation owner, and driven out by the slave revoltof 1791.  The current delema and 99% african slave decendents explains why I can't find genealogy information in that country, and why they have such poverty.  It is impossible to name a black administered city, county or country that is prosperous and technologicly advanced.  It has never happened, and it will never happen.

Today, I seached the internet for black web sites concerned about Haiti.  Finally OpraWinfrey has mentioned and donated money.  Where are Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the other activists?  They'llcome out of the woodwork eventually...when it's safe! Where are the professional black athletes, music, and film stars leading the relief?  The only "helpers" you see on the world news are "do gooder" white bleeding heart Liberals!

Pat Robertson is is God's wrath on the wicked and godless Voodoo  and satanic Haitians!  Muslim evil doers are next!

Web sites of Interest:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"House of Death".....Strikes Again!

I came home from the Senior Center to my apartment building to find two cop cars and a fire truck outside.  One of the resident drug dealers, a smelly, fat, disgusting, old black man  had gone dead during the night.

Everyone hated him. They have tried to get him evicted many times for dealing, and now that they were rid of him forever, pretended to be sad.  Talk about hypocacy! 

The guy wobbled, being about 375 pounds, never bathed, pissed his pants, and bumed stuff from anyone he could find.  His day consisted of sitting outside all day long, talking to every low life that came by.  When faced with eviction, he immediately pulled the "race card".

Supposedly he once was a teacher and a dancer.  Huh?  He died a debtor, a drug dealer, and lying in his own waste!

I am not sad. I say one down, and 14 to go.  Who wants to live with dirtbags?

Monday, January 04, 2010

"Forgetaboutit"........Terrorism 101

My undergraduate degree is in Political Science.  As far back as 1970, I have held a dim view of the world and the direction global politics was heading.  The recent terror attempt on Christmas Day 2009, got me rethinking some of my previous opinions.

I remember very well when 9/11 happened.  I worked for a major Financial Services company in their Detroit office.  What initially appeared to be a horrific accident, soon evolved into an act of terrorism.  When the first tower fell, I knew the US was at WAR....with someone!

Everything went into lockdown....schools, offices, etc.  Fights were immediately cancelled, with rumors of at least 7 planes possibly hijacked.  The quick action of the FAA probably saved thousands of lives, because surely more flights in Chicago and the west coast had hijackers on board.........hijackers that simply left the planes when they landed.

Terror? Sure it was.  There is constant "chatter" and rumors of Islamic Nazis hitting the US again.  But ask your self, what would you fear more.....a dirty nuke in NYC, or two or three dozen suicide bombers blowing up crowded churces on Sunday, malls, elementary schools, athletic events or a crowded town center, all over the USA,  over the course of two or three weeks?

I suggest the latter would bring more terror!  It would also be easier to accomplish.  The real question is why it hasn't happened yet.