Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tuesday 10-9-07

OK, got a shower this morning, some clean new "free" clothes, ate a great meal...tonight? Dinner and a movie...free! I also got a new coat and some new socks.

Last night it was fairly mild, about 50F. At 2:30 AM, I got rousted by security. I wandered two blocks away and found a great spot! Road rules....do not camp in government buildings, apartment blocks, banks or other fancy large high-rise office buildings...all have 24/7 roving security and cameras! I try for the smaller offices, darker, less traveled streets and vacant! No way in hell am I going into "Old town" where 90% of the whores, drug dealers , and homeless live! Last night for example I was two blocks from the Hilton Hotel, in the nice area of town. It seems you can survive on zero income...if you sleep in doorways, get cloths from charity, and eat in soup kitchens. One guy told me he had been doing it for 10 years! Problem is no beer, eating out, etc.

So far I have seen transvestites, drug dealers, whores, psychos (I mean screaming, violent, psychos!) blacks, whites, Hispanics! Diversity at it's finest....duh!

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