Monday, October 15, 2007

The Two Week Mark

My damn cane was stolen!

OK, it was sunny for four days in a row! now that I have arrived...the climate will change and the economy will become toast!

I applied for a job today, changed my mailing address, ate three lunches (hey, they were good!)

I rode the train to a new area yesterday that I was never in......kinda yuppie, but nice!

I have a plan...if I don't get this job, I am going "camping" and go to the coast! Work my way south to San Francisco, or North to Alaska! It's pretty mild here in the winter... Azaleas will bloom soon and some guy told me his Lemon tree is giving fruit! Uh huh!

Where is Big Foot?

OK there are a lot of characters and daily dramas among the homeless! Many have dogs...see pic, some are pregnant. Mental patients abound, nasty hookers, lots of druggies and alcoholics, one guy has cancer, many are vets...(our country doesn't help vets??), and several look remarkably like TV/Movie stars. One guy looks like Jack Black, I call him "Stinky", a couple of others look like bit actors I've seen, one looks exactly like Howard Stern!

I tried "pan handling", the last couple of days..lots of competition...I was told I dressed "too good", didn't look homeless! In three hours I got only $1.85.

Of course being an MBA dropout, I put $20 for a steak dinner and a grey goose martini on my sign, another about needing $10+ for investment in mutual funds. an old black guy gives me crap... says how long you been here? I tell him three hours...he asks my take...I tell him. He says you can make more at minimum wage........well duh! That's why I asked for $20.........why stand there all day taking in nickles and dimes?

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