Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy Friggen New Year!

Another many more can there be? It's depressing to think there may be 40, if I live to 100.....oh, kill me now! Screw that. No wonder I have DNR on my drivers license!

I don't see too much happening in 2008. I'll get a job, or a disability check. Hey, maybe I'll even get my money for my Monte Carlo I sold last July 3rd, 2007. I'll be homeless or I'll get a subsidized apartment. I'll be in the NW, or I'll be some place else. Big woop!

I hope they record the asteroid hitting Mars the end of January...that will be cool to see.

Not much else to get excited about. I am sure I'll be alone at the end of 2008. No one but God will ever love me unconditionally ever again. (OMG the person next to me at the library stinks!)

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