Friday, July 17, 2009

Random Thoughts

Here are few random thoughts of the day, and yes, I am sitting:

Old people smell...they smell of piss, decay, B.O., mildew, and generally rank!

Liberals are insane...they have no values, moral compass, or ethics.

Many folks who use computers, should not!

What do volunteers think they are proving? Who could be that bored?

Bank robberies, murders, muggings, shootings, home invasions, and fires happen more everyday, yet police claim crime is on the decrease! Uh huh!

Racism is alive and well, mostly among minorities!

Bailout banks, auto companies, real estate, etc. What about bailing out the "people"?

Is hypochondria a disease?

Powered wheelchairs and scooters are a huge scam!

Is happiness merely the absence of sadness?

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