Thursday, December 10, 2009

Random Thoughts

  • Theories of Global Warming and Evolution, share the same scientific "mumbo jumbo" of erroneous science!

  •   The World was better off when the Empires of England, France, Spain, and the USA ruled the world.

  •   Overheard a discussion that College Professors consider themselves "Middle Class".

  •   Christmas commercials on TV featuring "Rolex, Mercedes, Lexus, diamonds, etc. as Christmas presents...the homeless - unemployed must love those!

  •   Folks who ride bicycles and motor cycles in 12F weather are not environmental....they' re too cheap to buy gas, pay parking, or car insurance, or don't have a car!

  •   Regards to the war in Afghanistan: The USA needs a "Scorched Earth" policy...bulldoze villages, Agent Orange poppy fields, destroy supply lines, and kill all Taliban and Al Qeda militants and their supporters! We should also use all armaments in our arsenal, including tactical nukes.

  •   In war there should be no appeasement, no negotiations...only death of the enemy and their surrender!

  • Karma will always bite you in the ass!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Law and Order #2

In the last 36 hours,Portland,Oregon has had 5 murders.  In the last month over 14 people have been shot on the street, murdered in their sleep, and spouses killing spouses and their children!

Some say it's the economy and unemployment pressures.  Others say the Holiday season fuels the killing.

What ever the reason, crime in the USA is out of control!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Law and Order

Today's topic is Law and Order.  Thanks to liberal judges, bleeding heart liberal lawyers, and the liberal media, thousand of convicted felons walk the streets every day, only to do criminal acts again!

This is a moral outrage.  How many chances should repeat offenders get?  Liberal judges and defense lawyers work the system to get guilty parties out on the streets on some minor technicality, only for the offender to repeat or even escalate his crimes.  Bleeding heart liberals like to use the race card, to point out the disparity of the criminal justioce systme, overlooking that "people of color" commit the majority of crime and are the majority of the prison population!  There is nothing in the US Constitution on unlimited appaeals, delay of sentencing, or miscarrige of justice.

The outrageous assasination of four police officers in the Seattle are is a prime example.  The shooter, a fellon with a long police record, out of prison due to a bleeding hear liberal courts system and governor, was a "person of color".  The liberal media had the audacity within hours after the shooting to put Tiger Woods "boo-boo" accident at the top of the broadcast, both locally here in Portland Oregon and on the national news!

It is time for a "National Three Strikes Your Out Law", time to stop the Liberal bleeding hearts and do gooders, and take back our cities from the criminals!

In Portland, there have 14 homicides in the last month, from domestic violence alone!  Why is there no public outcry?  Where will this end, civil war, race riots?  It's long past time to get tough on crime!

Monday, November 30, 2009

A Few Random Thoughts

There are way too many crazy people walking and living amoung the "normals".  Why aren't they in a nice, safe asylum?

Tiger Woods news more important than four Police Officers being assasinated?

Retail Holiday hype, a minor .5% gain over 2008, nothing but inflation & price increases!  Bah Humbug.

In my opinion the worst TV Commercial of 2009:  Infinity automobile commercial with the "stop action" sequences....what were they thinking?

Local Portland, OR TV stations that have 15 minutes of weather (never changes and is correct only 50% of time) and no sports segment....on any station!

Left Coast Liberals that make fun of conservatives, relgion, family values, and the East Coast!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

They Walk Among US

They are here, among us.  The walking insane, smelly people! They linger on public transprtation, in malls, the public library, bottle redemption centers, under bridges, and passing folks on the street.

Having lost all respect for themselves, and hope, or touch with reality, they no longer wash, change their clothes, or care.

Their world is panhandling, shuffling along among the "normals", with a weeks worth of piss in their pants, or worse. 

Even in apartments, the unwashed roam.  A four hundred pound sow in my building has not showered since July, nor changed her clothes since early October!  Alas, she stinks.

There is hope, however, for these apathetic people under the Obama Health Care Plan.  The resurgence of a nationwide system of Asylums for the Insane.  Nice clean and warm buildings, were they can get help and meds.  Locked up and away from the normal masses, they will be taken care of.  Meanwhile "normals" won't have to deal with their insane behavior and the smell.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Big Tenant Meeting

The meeting was a success.  About forty people out of 118 showed up to vent their fustrations.  Topics were from personal hygine (stinky people), drugs & drug dealing, smoking, lack of management concerns & response, and swine flu.

Even though I was one of two, behind the scenes organizer......I was not blamed with such!  (I love stirring things up!)

Then the resident "nutter" went off about five times that he was being harrased and discriminated against by tenants and management.  I informed im that being an "idiot" was not a groupprotected by law.  He screamed at me that I was a bully.  I respond that if I was a bully, I'd break his other knee!  It was all great fun.

Another meeting is planed forjanuary after the non-smoking lease addendum goes into effect.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Yes, I am a Trouble Maker!

OK, tomorrow is our first "Tenant" meeting for our building in two years.  It's all my fault, since I am an organizer.  It is an opportunity to let everyone voice complaints on topics from smoking (building going smoke free 1-1-10), litter, smelly tenants, crime, and any other issues.  Building managers have been excluded!  We'll see how that goes!

Issues like selling drugs, drug use, etc have been dealt with in part.  What I asked was how criminals got in the building , passing a background check, like I had to?  65 year old dopers and ex-cons!  My neighbors, how special!

An then there are the half-dozen "hoarders" who have newspapers and magazins piled three feet high in their apartment,  along with piles of treasures, etc.  (And they wonder where bugs come from?)

Management has voiced the opinion that they do not want to deal with tenant issues......OK, so the tenants will deal with them....majority rules, minority drools!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Portland, OR....Crime Capital USA?

Local news starts each evening with the death & robbery tally of the day! Of course the PR branch of the Chamber of Commerce, downplays these statistics, as they do the huge homeless population, high home prices, lack of jobs, poor schools, etc.

In the last five days, five people have died due to murder suicide. Robberies occur on the rate of several per day...banks, convienince stores, grocery stores, etc. Not in the "hood", but rather the suburbs.

Granted, Portland is a huge meth and dope area, with lots of "Blood and Cripps" style gangs (more than Detroit), but not all crimes are driven by drugs. Many say it is the economy. But does being poor mean your a criminal, or likely to be one? I am poor as you can get, but would never think of stealing or ripping someone off...ever!

I believe that part of the problem is that Oregon in general is soft on crime. There is a new jail that has never been used. Many criminals are repeat offenders. There are many social agencies to help the recently released ex-cons re-enter society ( a waste of funds, since most return to prison shortly after release.)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Do People Care About You?

When is the last time someone asked how you were... and meant it?  I can honestly say almost never....friends (?) family, wives, children, etc.  They are concerned about how they feel, and will go into long, boring, monologs about it, but even after listening, they almost never ask about you!

My parents, after I left college never knew where I worked, if I went to Grad School, how my wife or kids were, nor did any relatives, or "friends" ever ask.  If you started to tel them, they would shortly change the subject.  Why?  They didn't really care.  They prefer not to know, so they make up lies to tell their friends (yes, they do that!).

Sometimes it feels sad, but more like anger, than no one cares....oh well, perhaps GOD loves  me!  Or not..

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Crazy Neighbors and Street People!

Ooppppppssss, I am back in hibernation/hermit mode.  My neaighbors are really one was take to the psych ward, and they let her out!

Then there are the many, many walking nutballs that roam the streets of Portland, screming, one whistles at the top of his lungs, etc.  WOW, lets use some of that "stimulas money" to build some new 2,000 bed Psych Hospitals!  Get the nuts off the streets!

Having a building meeting Monday about this and a few other issues, like keeping doors open to the hall, smelly people who don't wash or change their clothes more than twice per month.  I am not kidding!  They smell like dead fish, urine, stale tobacco and that old people smell!

The only safe place is at home! 

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

The Liberal Whine!

OMG..I had to listen to the Liberals whine today, as I mentioned Republican election victories.  Obama is saving the country, bla, bla, bla!  Of course the biggest whiner is an excon who doesn't like anyone telling him what to do.....duh!

Our Senior housing......all public assisted housing, is going non-smoking the First of the year!   Smokers, the minority, are crying their rights re being violated.  It's time the highly negative vocal minority shut up!  Majority rules....Liberals are fools!

Can't wait to get away from the La-La -Liberals on the West Coast!  They can have it!

Monday, November 02, 2009

"House of Death" ....strikes again!

My apartment community for seniors, which I call the "House of Death" due to the high number of deaths from old foggies , who should be in a nursing home, has yielded another victim on Halloween!  A 62 year old heroin addict OD'd.  I was in college during the 1960's......... didn't do drugs or hang with people who did.  Now, all the druggies from that era are still druggies, and many live in my building!  Very annoying to say the least.

I have a difficult time garnering any sympathy for meth addicts, alcoholics, or any other type of addict.  What ever happened to "personal responsibilty"?  What happened to jail?

Aside from the least 10 in the 18 months I've lived there, there are also several ambulance trips per week, mostly by a select few!  My hypocondriac neighbor went twice in three days last week for relatively nothing.  Have insurance, abuse the insurance!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Final Conspiracy

As I watched the TV News of the darkness falling over the world economy, a thought that this is all planned and expected, came to mind.

The End of Life as we know it, the End Times, The Apocalypse on December 21, 2012.

Many Govenment programs such as Health Care Reform, Social Security Reform and Medicare Reform, all take place fter this date.

On last night’s news, an asteroid was announced, one of the heralds of Muslim End Times. The Worldwide Economic Crisis, war with Israel, high unemployment, financial meltdowns, natural disasters, are all manner of events, which mankind seems unable to fix or prevent.

Unless…….unless, the world governments, and conspiracy centers of the Illuminati, NWO, Council on Foreign Relations, Catholic Church, (see The Insider ), the Obama Administration, etc. all know, what is coming.

They have had centuries of information and predictions to understand, and for at least 30 years, Super Computers, like at the NSA to decipher codes & information. How long they have known this is all true, who knows, but it may explain the apparent irresponsible increase in US National Debt of Trillions of Dollars, that don’t exist and can never be repaid. It hardly matters how much is spent, if we all only have three years left! It’s a thought.

See these References:

End Time Prophecies

ABC News

Monday, October 26, 2009

You Can Find Out About Emergency First Aid


The primary objective of emergency medical treatment is to prevent the condition of the person involved from deteriorating and to save their life if possible. A great number of folks are involved in accidents each year and many of these are seriously injured or die. However, these people could be rescued if more people would train themselves concerning emergency treatment methods.
It is a skill that puts someone in a secure condition before emergency EMS workers arrive. You need not hold a degree in medical triage to apply the fundamental principles of this skill, but you should have the willingness to learn what you can. Often the difference is made by using elementary training that can ultimately provide a second chance for the individual you are caring for.

When emergency first aid is applied promptly and competently it can make the difference between someone recovering completely from their ordeal, having to deal with a permanent injury or meeting death.

As stated previously, the basics of emergency first aid can make a big difference, however it is likewise vitally critical to have access to the right medical items and supplies.

Of course there are several compromises that should be considered as the necessary items will not always be accessible, but if you keep the appropriate materials nearby the whole process will be much easier. Keeping the right supplies and equipment on-hand could also, in some cases, influence whether you save the life of the injured.

Emergency first aid training and treatment can be accomplished in both minor and critical cases. Minor injuries include small cuts and bruises which can be treated with an antibacterial spray and bandage. The key goal is to keep minor wounds clear and do not have any contaminants which can be the source of infection.

Extreme instances may be treated temporarily by stalling blood loss and usually is the result of an accident. In such an event, the aim of emergency medical procedures should be to stabilize the person's vital life functions until professional emergency workers arrive on the scene. Ensuring that the wounded stay awake by asking them questions can ease the stress of the situation. Ask them questions regarding what is hurting or on simple things to determine their mental state. Your report will be helpful to the EMS workers.

Sometimes, your patient could be somebody in cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is required. If a CPR mouth barrier is available the entire procedure can be much less problematic and you will have the additional benefit of being protected against any biological viral transmission.

An additional benefit of gaining these skills, supplies and equipment is the satisfaction and feeling of being in command of any situation.

If you have ever been involved in an emergency situation and were not sure of what to do, imagine for one second the difference it would make and the lives you could preserve. Don't undervalue the importance of these skills.

If you feel the impulse to learn this skill, do not procrastinate. Bite the bullet today and make a new goal to learn emergency medical procedures in depth.

Organize today for an emergency. Find more concerning emergency medical procedures, purchase first aid bags and other emergency gear at

Friday, October 23, 2009

I am a Grandpa...Again!

After 36 hours of not knowing what's going on 3000 miles away on the other coast, I found out today I have a grandson! Nine pounds of bouncing baby boy! Which is huge concidering my daughter is a size 2, 115 pound waif!

The hospital web site had pics and I can't wait to see them! I'll admit to worrying a little when I heard nothing, but hey, what's a father to do? all are healthy! Yippie!

Monday, October 19, 2009

H1N1 Swine Flu....Don't Be A Fool

OK, if you do not know about the H1N1 virus or flu, your from Mars or been in the Amazon Rain Forest for the last year. Wash your hands.....well duh! Sanitizer, tissue, vaccine, masks, seem to be in short supply! Old guy next to me, sniffling, sneezing, coughing...I just asked him he has swine flue...he left! Dumb ass.

The #1 way to fight swine flue is stay home if your sick! As the virus spreads more and more get ill, employers will mandate sick people stay home, getting paid sick days or not! Governments offices in Portland, OR already have signs barring entry if sick!

This also means to avoid public transportation, the movies, malls, sporting events, concerts, school, etc.! YES IT CAN GET THAT BAD!

OK, you won't be allowed to have "fun" for a few weeks! Waaaaaaaaaa! Better than death? Yes people will be inconvenienced, they will rebel and try to get away with mingling, etc. Governments may have to employ mandatory quarantines!

So don't be a fool, stay home if sick, get the vaccine....think!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rain.....Finally They Got it Right!

The local weather forecasts are among the worst I have seen anywhere in the country! They are not correct even 50% of the time. At first I thought they were backward and did not have the latest radar and computers....but then found out they have the same ones as Detroit and Denver. Today was forcast to be heavy rain (2"+), as of 5:00 PM last noon today, it had not started, but is now raining sprinkles! There is not street flooding, no motor homes sailing down the street, etc. In fact the sun was out earlier and it's almost 65F. All I can say about the weather here is ....DUH! And like everywhere in the US I've lived, the TV weathermen say, "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes" original is that?

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Burgler.....Rip Off Old Folks?

Saturday, a young thief came in behind a resident and went floor to floor, apartment to apartment, trying doors...even knocking on those that were locked in order to feed his drug addiction or whatever. The fact that he was "a person of color", about 18 fit many stereotypes. No resident shot him, stabbed him, or beat him with a baseball bat(I was not home). He was quickly captured by police, with several thousand dollars in cash in his possession....not enough to buy drugs or alcohol? Another scumbag off the street. Here is the funny part...I live in the "Cultural Center"!

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Still Waiting!

Bah, my daughter is having the second grandchild any day........but not TODAY! Of course it's more difficult for her...LOL She plans to work through the week! If working doesn't get her to birth, what will...ride a horse?

Attempting to stay out of trouble, but so many bums, addicts, and drunks annoy me, it get more difficult. In about a year, I hope to live in the country, city life is not for me! Denver Broncos on TV today vs Cowboys! It's cold (45F) and cloudy...another day of free Starbucks!

10-07-09 Still no baby.........egads!

10-08-09 Just got an email from my daughter...nope nothing yet! 40 weeks!

10-09-09 Nope, another day, no grand child. Geeeeze pop out already!

10-10-09 OK, still no grand child...tic toc, tic toc!

10-11-09 Just got email...not likes it inside, I guess.

10-14-09 My daughter is going on a 200 mile trip, 10 days past her due date! Uh huh.

10-17-09 Well she went on the Trip to my 9 yr old granddaughters cheer leading competition.looked all over the web for results..nothing. Bah. Still no baby. May induce labor on Monday! Uh huh!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Free Theater Night 2009....Oooooppss!

Someone told me about "Free Theater Night" yesterday, but upon getting to the web site, I had to wait until the first (today)...uh huh. alas, they are all sold out...duh! anyway, the shows all sounded like crap really, I wouldn't see any of them, even for free! See if your town has any tickets left. Click here!

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Great Investment......Me!

I have always worked, taken most any job to survive, feed my family, and pay bills on time. I have been a CEO of two small corporations, a college instructor, and a business analyst for a major software company (see profile). At age 45 I went back to Grad School to work on a M Ed in Instructional Design and a MBA in Management. At age 57 I was laid off from the software company (job went to India). I took a part time job in a bookstore to attempt to make ends meet. It didn't work.....and at age 59, I became homeless and unemployed for over a year, eating in soup kitchens and living in doorways. Even with a Master's Degree, help from vocational rehab, & a few non-profits, I have not had a job interview since 2006 (the book store), so in effect, I have not had a "professional job interview" since the software company in 1999!

Yet, I have not entirely given up. I have many creative skills occluding design, writing, educational software, and organizational research. I however, need a few things to make it all work together....hence the INVESTMENT.

I have a old Dell computer with a 15" monitor, donated by an ad in Craig's List! However, a few disabilities make it very difficult to design anything on a 15" CRT monitor. So if folks were able to invest in ME (even $1 helps), I would like to get the following:

1. a 20" - 23" LCD monitor
2. a graphics tablet and pen
3. a larger hard drive (current one is 8 GB)
4. additional software

I will use the new hardware to desing graphics, write educational courses, and perhaps on-line classes. With much luck, may even get paid for it.

Thank you for reading thisappeal, and any help you may be inclined to give. comments and suggestions also welcome!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Little Dictators Need a Smackdown!

Once again the computer room at the Senior Center is being closed due a Liberal "Senior Lawyer's" anal retentive desires.

There is a perfectly fine, empty office with good lighting and privacy, which I had suggested the lawyer use, rather than hijack the computer room and therefore affecting 5 folks use of the computer. Center management agreed and cleaned the room out for her, but nooooooooo, she need a "round" table and found the office distasteful! So once again the highly negative, vocal minority, gets her selfish way, and five+ seniors have to leave!

I, frankly, am tired of being dictated to by the minority!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bent, the Hermit

I've gone into Hermit mode. I have to live for one more year to collect Social Security, and it gets more difficult by the day! People annoy me; they make me angry; my mouth wants to say mean things to them; I want to beat them like a baby fur seal!

So Hermit mode is survival mode! Portland, OR is home to more dead brained scumbags then I have ever seen in my life. The walking insane are rude, crude, and obnoxious...and they live in my building! I know of more drug dealers, drunks, and drug users than all the rest of my life put together. In all my years in college, I never knew one! It's disgusting to see 60+ year old "hippies" stoned and drunk out of their minds!

Portland the Liberal La La Land of the NW is proud of it's diversity. I ask myself everyday, "What does diversity do for me?" Not one damn thing! I like white people!

So I have to survive for one more year, when I can once again return to the Northeast, MN, MI, WI, or NY buy a plot of land. build a small cabin, and live s a true hermit, like my Uncle Louie!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

“BentnWasted Health Care Plan 2009”

After listening to the mire of multiple federal health care plans, I’ve decided to come up with some suggestions of my own. These “suggestions” rely on common sense, rather than politics or political parties. I call my plan "HealthAid".

According to various statistics in the media, about 46 million Americans have no health insurance coverage. Since the population of the United States is approximately 340 million that makes 14% without insurance…it also means that 86% have it!

Fixing waste, obsolete paper based records, graft, corruption, and over charging of health insurance companies, high malpractice insurance premiums along with frivolous lawsuits and the need for caps on claims and awards, windfall profits of pharmaceutical companies, etc require no 1000+ pages of legislation. In fact, most can probably be cured with an Executive Order. Such “fixes” would not only cost little or nothing to implement, but would save hundreds of billions of dollars/yr.

I believe in most instances health care should be rationed to some extent, in order to keep costs low. Insurance should cover accidents, life threatening disease treatments, pre-existing conditions, basic yearly medicals, vision as well as dental care. Due to overpopulation, it should also cover “Family Planning”.

Basic insurance coverage need not cover routine visits for a common cold or "I feel achy" using the ER as General Care, self-caused injuries and health problems from drug use, alcohol addiction or smoking (which are personal choices and responsibility). Again “common sense” prevails, which also to me implies rationing of treatment in the elderly. The elderly that are over age 75 should not be eligible for organ transplants, massive life extending procedures, or treatments that are expensive, at least as far as insurance coverage is concerned. To be fair, I believe we also have to extend that same rationale to premature infants, coma patients, and severely disabled. I'm not talking about "Death Panels" here, I'm talking about expensive useless care. It’s just common sense.

The “Bentnwasted Plan” would therefore consist of the following:

1. Fix existing problems and inefficiencies in existing programs.
2. Create “Standards” of Health Care with Hospitals, Insurance Companies, Doctors, and other health professionals.
3. Insure the 14% uninsured with basic “catastrophic” health care.
4. Caps on malpractice premiums and awards.
5. Promote “Wellness” with annual checkups.
6. Fund Medicare and Medicaid.
7. Ban all Pharmaceutical advertising on TV, just as tobacco and liquor are currently.

This is not meant to be the “Fix all”, but a start, a method of eliminating the politics and month long/year long debates and trillions of dollars in costs and get on with other issues!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Life Continues at the "Home"

Today after months of doubt, my aprtment is going "smoke free" January 1, 2010. smokers think their rights are being violated, even the ones who have smoke related lung problems. Both of my parents died of smoke related cancers, and I am sure my childhood Asthma was due to second hnd smoke.

We're also going "Green", which may include energy efficient appliances to replace the cheap 15 year old models! New funiture is also in the works, due to bedbug & roach investations in many apartments. In this regard, metal beds from Prison Industries would be good choice!

I don't really care, because I plan on moving back East in the Fall of 2010!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Law and Order....For a Change!

I have never lived anywhere like Portland, Oregon. About the only way anyone gets arrested here is for being caught red handed, with a bloody knife or smoking gun, standing over the corpse!

They have a brand new jail, about five years old, standing empty, never used (Hey it costs money to put crooks away). Transients with unregistered and unvaccinated Pit Bulls, loitering, drug deals on main street, speeding motorists, and more gangs than I ever heard of in Denver or Detroit, yet the police are soft on crime.

Innumerable crooks get off with a slap on the wrist, only to offend again and again. A good excuse for a National "Three Strikes Your Out Law!".

The flaming Liberals here in the NW are soft on crime and cheap on taxes to pay for it. Which explains the gangs, home invasions, murders, fires, and the most transient homeless in any American City. It's time to get these dirt bags off the street and into prison!

President Obama wants "Change"? How about some change with being soft on crime?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fuddy Duddy Helping Liberals, Oh My!

Watching a local news piece about helping starving orphans in Kenya, I noted that all the "do gooders" were white liberals, trying to save the world. Just a few weeks ago I wondered what makes people want to do good, save the world, and help the poor downtrodden? Now I know...white liberal, affluent Christians, from a similar background!

I also know why I have never felt that way. I have never been a Liberal! Republican and conservative since high school, in the mid 1960's, I despised liberals, hippies, war protesters, peaceniks, save the whale types, all my life! I guess it is also why you never see a Muslim Charity, Asian, or a Republican Conservative say, "I want to make things better for humanity!"

Liberals, like "Soccer Mom's", are something only a few aspire to!

Friday, September 04, 2009

A conservative......oh my!

Last evening, I was sitting on the patio with a few residents of the "Home", when the flaming liberal "building gossip" accused me of being a Conservative Republican! Oh my, what slander!

Hell yes I am a Conservative Republican, and have been for over 40 years. In 1967 I was a "Young Republican" in college working on Nelson Rockefeller's campaign for President. Now I will never be a "my party right or wrong" Republican but I assuredly will never embrace the concepts of Liberalism.

In fact I may be classified as a Radical Conservative, since I believe in world population control, killing the enemy in war vs winning their hearts and minds, fiscal responsibility yet reduce the power of the Federal Reserve, and many other positions, deemed "Radical".

Ever since I was a Political Science major in college, back in 1971, I have always thought that Liberals will kill us all, with their ideals of peace at any price and capitulation to enemies both foreign and domestic!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Another Day, Another Donut

My life currently consists of watching the news and 4 hours of prime TV, sleep for about 7 hours, reading 2-3 books per week, skip breakfast, computer time of about 2-4 hours/day, lunch at the Senior Center, a 45-90 minute nap, cooking dinner (last night was roast chicken, scalloped potatoes, & petite green beans). Then it starts all over.

I have been in Portland for two years and have never gone more than 5 miles from downtown (no car, no bus pass, no money).

Yet I have a 26" TV, stereo, computer, microwave, clothes, a studio apartment with bath, food, and free utilities; all of which I got for free, mostly from dead people's apartments or a mission. It is one step above living in a doorway, but relatively stress free, mostly cause of the medications I take, also free!

It is not the life I envisioned getting my Masters in Education at age 45, nor when I was a Business Analyst at a major financial services company until 2005. Much like working for minimum wage, it is survival, something I do quite well.

In one week I turn 61, and a year later will start getting early retirement at age 62. I look forward to having money again, something I have missed for the last two years. My Section 8, assures me I will only pay 30% of my income for rent, and never again will be paying 80%, as I have in the past!

Life is good, most of the time, even without money!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Today's Whine

I am surrounded by old people! People who belong in a psychiatric care facility, folks who smell like piss from soiled depends, old farts who smell like weed, alcohol, and have an IQ of 60-80. This is life at my housing building, on the street, and at the Senior Center where I eat and use the computer. On top of all this, they are all "flaming Liberals". But hey, what can one do? Maybe when the H1N1 Swine Flu hits, many will die off, since they are too stupid to stay home if sick, homeless or just old and won't be getting the vaccine! Let the culling begin!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Financial Dreams, Reality Nightmares

I have never had visions of grandeur or obtaining wealth. Once graduated from high school, with high grades and test scores, I entered Aerospace Engineering at a major state university. Friends and I chatted about the future with beer in hand, some speculating on employment in our fields (we were all engineers of some kind), the subject of wealth never came up. I guess engineers figured we would be employed and at a “proper” salary. The work was the goal; getting married and having kids, house with a picket fence, and other clichés, though at the time were merely normal ideas. Well, that path didn’t work out for me.

Finally graduating from college, barely avoiding time in the military, i.e. Vietnam, I married, divorce, married again, had a child, wife died, married again, had two more children, all the time working, but having no career, not even a “lifestyle”. Owning a home seemed more of a burden than an asset. New cars, while nice at first, seemed to drain the life as well as money from my pockets. Bills, payments, the pressure & stress of existence were not a life, but rather a nightmare that never ended.

I could never identify with, let alone understand, “Baby Boomers”; all geared up for success and wealth. What was that about? As foreign to me as living in China, the pursuit of money, big homes, fancy cars, designer clothes, gourmet meals in fancy restaurants, cruises and trips abroad were not considerations and any more than thinking of being a missionary in an African country.

At age 45, I returned to Graduate School, and by age 50 had completed a Masters program in Leadership, along with 2/3 of an MBA program in Management, all while working, yet maintaining a 4.0 GPA. I expected starting salaries of $45,000 per year. I got $32,000…oh well; there go those “dreams”. Now years later, another divorce, layoffs, survival jobs, a year of being homeless & “urban camping”, I am retired from work. In two weeks, I’ll turn 61, and only have one year to collect early social security. My “nest egg” of $75,000 is long gone. I have survived everything life has thrown at me, and like at birth when I came into this world with nothing, I’ll be leaving with nothing. No dreams of wealth or thoughts of fame and fortune, no legacy to mark my existence on earth clouds my thoughts. Survival is my gift, the ability to transcend hardships and challenges. Everyday, like today, I am surrounded by insurmountable opportunities!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Today's Adventure

Today I rode the train...again, to the doctor. I have been having lesions removed by freezing and a few by minor surgery. Biopsy cancer! BP 120/60 and Oxygen is 97% (whatever that means). I will live to fight another day! The bad news? I still weigh 205...arghhhh!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today is Tuesday

Today's adventure, going by train to the other side of the river to a "Dollar Store" to get bug killing rubbing alcohol....they were out! Looked around in Barnes and Nobel for about 45 minutes looking at computer design magazines and books on "Writing". Their supply was limited, much like the Library. Train was very crowded on the return trip, started thinking "the train to Auschwitz". Personally if the train is that crowded, I'd wait for the next one (10 minutes)! Barely made it to the Senior Center for lunch....but was rewarded with meatloaf! Yummy, the end.

Friday, August 14, 2009

If I was the Benevolent Dictator of the World

Here are five thing I would do if I became Benevolent Dictator of the World.

1. Reduce world population 40% to a sustainable level of 4 billion. Everyone guaranteed basic health care, education, food, and shelter.

2. Resources, consumption, and production would maximize utility, function, need, and quality...not choice, waste, or unnecessary consumption! (free mass transit, free energy, and free water) Basic industries such as steel, autos, clothing, farming, construction, food, etc. all owned and run by benevolent one world government. No private industry or myth of competition.

3. Natural resources 100% sustainable. Population maintained at 4 billion, ultimate world population. Genetic engineering of human species to eliminate health problems, increase intelligence and combine races into a nice "beige" human.

4. One world religion combined from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. eliminates reason for wars, along with elimination of countries, states, and geographic boundaries.

5. Emphasis on space exploration, settlements on Moon, Mars, orbital colonies near Saturn, Jupiter. Terraform Mars and Venus. Research and manufacturing of "Star Drives" and colony ships, technology utilization on Earth.

WOW, anyone notice this sounds just like "Satans" plan for the world. Does no one notice that "The Evil One" is walking the Earth right now, tricking folks (that is what he does best) into doing his will? Comments welcome!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009

Here is the real deal, the link for the controversial Health Care Bill now waiting for Congress to reconvene and vote on a compromise with the US Senate!

The Link to the entire text is HERE!

US Senate version LINK here.

Don't be like your unknowing Congress person or the whole damn thing!

Saturday, August 08, 2009

"House of Death" Strikes Again

The "Seniors with Disabilities" housing apartments I live in, claimed another life yesterday. A chain smoker, with terminal cancer, died in her sleep. I had noticed her just the day before, smoking like there was no tomorrow, alas, there wasn't.

Currently there are four residents MIA, having been consigned to the hospital for at least three weeks or more. Building management thinks such issues are their secret to hold forth, yet one wonders what their policy will be if the H1N1 Flu strikes in fury. I'll bet they will ignore the issue, rather than take a proactive stance. Other residents want to know what is going on.

I have lived here for one year, and at least 8 folks have died, with dozens taken to hospital, and ambulances arriving three to four times per week. We have those "Emergency Pull Cords" in the apartments to call "Help". It is faster for the resident to just call 911 themselves.

It is not a Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Alzheimer's Clinic or any other type of medical facility. It is simply Senior housing for those over age 55 with disabilities. Since it is subsidized housing, residents pay 30% of income with limits. Families look at this as a "cheap" alternative to those expensive nursing home blues. You don't come here to live, you come here to die! Life goes on...or not!

P.S. August 09, 2009 On the same day the above resident "bit the dust", yet a second one, "Gas Mask Willie" also died. Yikes.

But wait, now another named "Robert", yes, a third death was announced, that same weekend. Who needs Obama Care?

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Argue with a Liberal

OMG, arguing with a Liberal gives me a headache and drives up my blood pressure! It's as though one is trying to convince an aborigine of the existence of the atom or an atheist that God exists. Liberals closed minded thought process assumes they are correct in all their infinite wisdom and insights. Most are legends in their own minds!

Whether speaking of subjects as divers as President Obama's Health Care, deficit spending, or the war on terror, all problems stem from Republicans and Conservatives. The democratic dogma will save both the nation and mankind. This baseless spew, literally makes me ill. The flaming Liberal has been gone for thirty minutes, but my blood still boils.

Time to go to my "happy place"...the liquor store!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

My Opinion, Not Yours!

My thoughts, rants and opinions on this blog have recently been described as incomprehensible and irrational? Did I make a mistake and post in Chinese or Cyrillic?
My life's adventures and daily views are not censored by "Politically Correctness" I had enough of that in Grad School, thank you very much. In fact I'll maintain that PC is dead, that it OK to tell it like it is, if it offends someone...they need to get a grip!

This blog is not to set Literary Standards. It is to express my opinions, which hopefully, some may find interesting, thought provoking, and yes even offensive as my slogan "I think, therefore I offend" states. Keep reading and following me on Twitter.....or not!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Hell No, This Ain't No Hood!

I live in the "Cultural District" of Portland, Oregon. Across the street is Portland State University, a few blocks away is the Art Museum, Historical Museum, the Concert Hall, Central Library, etc. A block away is the Benson Tower Condos that start at $250,000 for a studio up to over a million dollars for a penthouse. As you can see this is hardly a ghetto or the hood, yet in the last six months pimps, hookers, drug dealers, etc. have invaded the area. While some moved into low cost apartments, most don't live here, or are friends of those who do.

Last Friday I saw two black guys about forty, dressed in their ghetto finest with fanned out bills of at least $3,000 - $5,000 each in hundred dollar bills, shuffling down the street singing "We're pimping in America", over and over. I can look out my window and even in broad daylight, can see drug deals going on. Black dudes in "Caddies" with under age young white girls..."hoes"...get picked up on the corner across the street, near the $1000/kid/mo preschool!

OK, play the race card, you liberal air heads, but the crimes are done by blacks in a mostly white neighborhood. Racist? I don't care, I don't want drug dealers, pimps, and alcoholics in front of my building. If they were green, I whine about the ghetto green guys...but they aren't...they are the stereotypical blacks who have $5,000 in cash and I don't!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

No Nutter Like an Old Nutter

Growing old was never a goal, but just the same, I never realized that one went nutters upon reaching a certain age! OMG, most days I can barely stay in my building listening to the constant whine about illness, neighbors, heat or cold, etc. I think most "old farts" are happiest when they can bitch about something. I know that applied to my mother and in-laws. Recent radio ads talk about aggression being a sign of Alzheimer's disease...most old men must have it then cause they always start fights and arguments, or are belligerent drunks! The old batty women just cry "My pussy hurts".....a saying a friend in Colorado made up, that's fitting!
So I escape on the Trolley or go to the Senior Center, or library. So far, so good!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Today I Had Outpatient Surgery

Today, the hottest day in Portland's history, I just finished outpatient surgery. Had a "precancerous" mole and the third "precancerous" irregularity froze off my ear. No pain yet, that numbing stuff works great. Grossed myself out by picking up the mole swimming in a sample jar for you know where your DNA has been? The incision was cauterized, but is still bleeding like a stuck pig....I've got band aids! Blood Pressure 120/80, weight a disgusting 203 on my bony 6' 2" frame. I'm good for another five years or 2012, what ever comes first.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

When it's Hotter Than Hell!

Here in the Pacific NW, it's 103F yesterday and 105F today, through Thursday..then a "cool down" to the mid 90's F. An "Heat Advisory" has been issued for the poor, elderly, and most normal folks with out AC to go to a cooling center! Last night at 10:00 PM, it was still 90F. It hasn't rained for over a month.

PDX (Portland) is famous for providing low cost housing. One of the items they left out was AC. Sundays newspaper ad had several (Chinese made) window room Air apartments are less than 300 square feet...on sale for $100. In my building which cost multiple millions to build 15 years ago, that would cost $12,000 or less in bulk today. Residents pay their own electric, so original installation would be minimal. AC would be a better investment than a fancy patio, or a gas fireplace in the sitting room.

Who is in charge to make these decisions, ones that require little but common sense?

When it's hotter than hell, AC is not a luxury, but rather a necessity!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Talking to God......He answers!

Here is where my "fans" separate the wheat from the chaff (me). I normally don't talk to God, even though I believe in God. I used to think God hates me, but understand now his love is unconditional.

About five years ago I had my first ever dream about an angel. I was in my office back in Michigan, surrounded by what I called the "Office Christians". Standing at my desk was "Gabriel", the Archangel. White outfit, white wings, seven feet tall, the whole nine yards, so to speak. We talked for quite awhile, yet none of the "Office Christians" could see him, only me. Then he whispered things to me and told me they were secrets for me to know. What were they? Beats me, they were secrets. I still don't know.

So last night I was watching a PBS show about the Blitz in London, on December 29, 1940. It was very interesting, shocking, with interviews from several survivors and their haunting stories. At the end it was stated that 40,000 were killed, all that damage to London, etc. I suddenly asked God, why and how that could happen. The answer, whispered to my mind:

"The Cleansing"

Friday, July 24, 2009

Here is a Thought

I'll admit it, sometimes I watch "The 700 Club" with Pat Robertson. They have good world news and insights. So watching today made me think of something I've never seen in PDX.

PDX is home to more "homeless" (bums, transients, dirt bag druggies), and a few actual homeless due to the recession, than any city in America! These people gather in groups, pan handle, and get high, most have pit bull dogs and dress in almost a costume. Sad, very sad...but to them it's a "lifestyle".

What I've never seen in PDX is Evangelical Christians going person to person trying to save them, and have them meet Jesus Christ. Perhaps this is done unseen by my eyes, but something makes me think it doesn't happen at all. There are over 400 non-profits here, more I am sure than even down-trodden Detroit, so that the thinking is "others are saving them". I also imagine that being saved is mostly rejected by these folks.

One feeling I have, is that the real hardcore street scum are the spawns of SATAN! Just a thought.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More Random Thoughts

A man can't get an erection in a fish market.

Who surrendered in the "War on Drugs"?

"DIY Plastic Surgery", now that is a niche market!

The rights of the many outweigh the rights of a few.

A bad decision is better than no decision.

Beer and Vodka are part of the FDA Food Pyramid!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

"Memoirs of an Abused Toddler"

An acquaintance that I know, is visiting Mongolia for the summer as a paid volunteer...she pays to volunteer. She is a retired college professor and is writing her "memoirs", as is a mutual friend in my building. I have never thought of such a writing project, but if I did, mine would be titled "Memoirs of an Abused Toddler" or some such title.

I have already made a short video on "You-Tube" called "Black Obscurity" dedicated to my abusing and mostly evil mother.

I was an only child until I was three years old, then my sister was born. I have zero fond memories of my preschool years. When my mother got tired of my toddle boy antics, she locked me in the empty attic or rat infested basement for hours! That I remember. She killed my pets and called the deaths "accidents". I doubt that I'll be writing about all that, because then I'll have to include the UFO incident of 1967 and 1971...I don't want to go there!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Random Thoughts

Here are few random thoughts of the day, and yes, I am sitting:

Old people smell...they smell of piss, decay, B.O., mildew, and generally rank!

Liberals are insane...they have no values, moral compass, or ethics.

Many folks who use computers, should not!

What do volunteers think they are proving? Who could be that bored?

Bank robberies, murders, muggings, shootings, home invasions, and fires happen more everyday, yet police claim crime is on the decrease! Uh huh!

Racism is alive and well, mostly among minorities!

Bailout banks, auto companies, real estate, etc. What about bailing out the "people"?

Is hypochondria a disease?

Powered wheelchairs and scooters are a huge scam!

Is happiness merely the absence of sadness?

Monday, July 13, 2009

July 2009.....I'm Still Here

July 2009.......still trapped in PDX, the most boring, diverse, dirty, and rude city I have ever lived in! The news everyday has murders, house fires, home invasions, etc. It is worse than Detroit....yeah I've lived there, or rather in the Metro area!

Portland has no culture, too many people under 40 yrs old who think its still the 1970's and they are "hippies". More homeless than can fit in a major sports arena and 75% of which are not even from Oregon. They are "transients" on an adventure and too lazy to work, even if anyone would ever give them a job! Like Colorado, Oregon is the land of the $8 to $9 per hour jobs! Yet it is the most expensive state I've lived in and makes Colorado, another low wage state, look like a bargain!

In thirteen months, in October of 2010, I am so out of here!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Retirement Without Money....No Problem

I remember when I worked, before my forced retirement in 2005, all the stories about how much money one needed to have stashed away for retirement!

Yes, you need millions if you want that $750,000 home in a gated golf course community with a $5000 mortgage payment, a new BMW and a Lexus for that trophy wife. But you don't need that to "live" or survive.

As I blog this, it has been almost two years since I have had any money, income or assets. I'm not old enough for SS and my SSDI was denied twice. I had a "survival job for one year, working for $7.49/hr, but with %525 rent, utilities, food, and bills was worse off than with nothing!

As previous blogs mention, I was living on the street in two different states for six months, than five months in homeless shelters. It's not great eating in soup kitchens or living in a dorm with 95 other guys. I thought of it as "Camp".

But it is better than being a wage slave, not knowing if your soon to be laid off, to lose you home and car, and be responsible for feeding two kids and a wife who blames you for all that is wrong! Suicide is better than that, which is why more folks take that route!

Am I happy? My counselor probably will say no. But I am surviving, until that first SS check arrives in October 2010. Life has given me lemons and I made Margaritas!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Universal Health Care, A Myth?

Universal Health Care is a topic of dissention by almost everyone. Do we need it? Do we want it? Can we afford trillion dollar plus costs? These questions arise daily, from the media talk shows, newspaper editorials, blogs and other venues of discussion.

To those of a conservative nature, the cost alone seems to erase all benefits. Many shout from time to time, that the billions of dollars spent on the Space program could better be spent on social programs like health care. The billions spent on war and defense could feed cloth and shelter everyone in America. While somewhat true, is a Utopia the goal of any nation? If everyone’s basic needs are taken care of, is there any reason to strive to better ones self? These are moral, ethical, and financial questions that are difficult to answer.

Aside from the extreme of “Logan’s Run”, that Sci-Fi movie of years ago when everyone turning 30 was killed to make room on the crowded Earth, I think limits on health care and expense past a certain age say 80 yrs old makes sense. Why do expensive care such as organ transplants, invasive surgeries, etc. on someone 80+ years old, only to prolong their existence a few years. That infinite care and expense could better serve a much younger individual, with productive years ahead.

Universal Health Care has no easy answers or solutions, perhaps the concept is a myth.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Beginner’s Guide To Medieval Weapons

I like to insert an occasional, relevent (to me) article. I think everyone should be prepared, at least in a modest way, for the coming dark times. I recently found a nice home for sale, with a seperate studio & guest house, plus a 1000 sq ft concrete bunker! I'd buy that in a minute if I won the Lotto (House=$850,000)! Not everyone can buy huge stocks of firearms and ammo. At some point even that will run out. Home made "medieval weapons" may be a necessary choice".

Technological conditions and nature of availability of raw materials form the basis of any culture's arsenal at any point of time in the history of mankind. Prehistoric human race, often better known as the Stone Age civilization were known for their intelligent usage of grinding tools, stone and shaping axes, and creating arrows and spears as weapons for survival strategies. But these implements improved over the years as the technological skills of these cultures improved.

The development of the metallic tools, implements and weapons that persisted through the Middle Ages were actually originated during the Bronze and Iron Ages and following that, these implements have dramatically altered over time. Eventually, with the appearance of gunpowder in Europe in the early 14th century most of these weapon were rendered useless and the castle too took a backseat to the extent of becoming redundant.

The castle was considered to be one of the most formidable weapons of medieval warfare while if we consider the smaller weapons, there were also a lot of lethal ones, the ones that were movable and capable of wreaking havoc and death of an opponent. Thus despite having played a key role in the deaths of many people during the Middle Ages, it is a category of its own and hence will be kept out the following discussion on medieval weaponry.

The Middle Ages witnessed the dominance of double edged swords, metal-headed spears and axes among weapons while arrows and short bows were also in vogue. A very interesting fact that is pretty well known in this regard is that the Saxons valued swords very highly to the extent of considering the value of a sword to be equivalent to the value of 120 oxen or 15 male slaves and thus according great importance and status to a man possessing a sword. Because of these weapons being simple to construct and easy to wield, throughout the Middle Ages these weapons remained popular.

In spite of the three weapons of the sword, the spear (or lance) and the battle-axe being very prevalent during the 12th century, yet the crossbow quickly gained popularity. Compounded with the rapidly rising popularity of the horse warfare that supposedly made movement easy and allowed a benefit to its martial riders who held spears and the beginning of massive siege engines, eventually these hand-held weapons helped invaders like the Normans to overpower these less technologically advanced people.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Call 666, The Rudeness Police

Three people walking abreast on a four foot wide sidewalk, slacker homeless spit on sidewalks, trash everywhere, no one says "excuse me", pushing to get first in line, etc. People are just rude!

I've blogged about this before, but the trend grows worse. Gang bangers whine about being disrespected. How about "normal people" disrespecting everyone! Mindless robots waddle down the streets tuned out to the real world with iPod earphones on, or cell phones glued to their ears, bump into folks and keep going like zombies. It's not just rude, it's a sad state of affairs.

I don't remember being raised to be polite per say, it just feels like the correct thing to do, "Golden Rule" and all that. So in my reclining years, I've decided to become the rudeness police and call offenders on it. What are they going to do to a 60 year old man, kill me?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Protest or Revolution?

I have been blogging and tweeting about the Iran unrest. It reminds me of “letters to the editor” I wrote back in the mid 1960’s in regards to the anti-war protestors and hippies swarming over the college campus.

Unlike the mindless scum that protested the war in Vietnam, those pawns of Communism and the Soviet Union, the protestors in Iran appear to be self-evolving, rather than the puppets of outside agitators. As the killing of unarmed Iranians continues and perhaps intensifies, the evil that are the Ayatollahs and their oppressive regime become more evident.

From western eyes the ayatollahs are far worse that the Shah that they replaced and a good example to westerners of the rationale of separating religion and politics. I know I don’t want my life, thoughts, actions, and beliefs micromanaged.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Old Farts Fighting

Before I became old, I never realized that old guys were so aggressive. Whether on the street, the Senior Center, or here at the “Home”, aggression among the oldsters runs rampart. Perhaps it is because 50% are ex-cons, uneducated, or going through some kind of elderly hormonal crisis for men. It reminds me of elementary school.

Two guys, well maybe four, here have gotten into a few scuffles so that the police were called yesterday. Most of it was talk, but some of these guys are on meds, and yes some even have guns! Today they are filing complaints against each other with the senior agency that runs the building.

I’ll walk three blocks to the Senior Center soon, probably pass a few oldsters arguing on the street, and of course during lunch, will witness a verbal altercation or two. Upon reflection I think it is more due to the socio-economic background of the guys that makes them aggressive. I’d be amazed if the elderly in Beverly Hills or on Park Ave in NYC resort to such shenanigans. It is kind of funny to watch though, basically free entertainment!

06-19-09 Update:

A local Radio commercial states that aggression in the elderly is a sign of Alzheimer's! If so then, it is a pandemic!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Evaluation, Judgement and Authority

OK, as the title suggests, I don't like to be evaluated nor judged. It goes back to my father and childhood. If I got a report card with 4 "B"s, 1 "C", and an "A"..he would yell at me to get all "A"s, like I was retarded or a slacker. It didn't take a lot of effort to get "B"s...and really not that much to get all "A"s. Who cares? What does it get my case, nothing!

I never liked being reviewed for raises, promotions, or hell even job interviews! I know what I am capable of, why should I have to always prove it! OK, I also hate competition. Being above average in most things, greatness was mostly constant practice at one thing. I never cared enough to practice nor to prove anything to anyone! I finished graduate school with a 4.0 GPA in my program: am 4 courses short of an MBA with a 3.75 GPA...I started and finished graduate school in my early 50's. I have never gotten a job based on my college degrees, nor a raise. What I got was unemployed and homeless!

Today, I have to prove to the Apartment Manager that I have no income or assets! That is more difficult than you may think. What forms can you show to prove you have nothing? The entire process makes me go ....DUH! Fortunately, medication helps!


I went round and round over my bank statement of 5 months ($12 balance all 5 months).....she wants another month to "prove" I have no assets! Shoot me now!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

PDX Update…Day 385!

I never planned to live here for 385 days. When I left Colorado Springs, I wanted to go someplace new & different. A place I had never been before, without memories and assorted baggage. Never in my now 60 + years did I ever think of living on the west coast. Now I know why...PDX was voted the “Most boring city in America”…. months of rain instead of snow, the rudest people I have ever met, hundreds of bums, and walking insane.

On the positive side, I am not currently sleeping in a dry doorway (which wasn’t that bad), don’t have to wander throughout the city looking for free meals, eating with street trash, addicts, and ex-cons! I have a nice studio apartment, a computer, TV, etc. Materially, I am about at the same level of “success” as when I worked almost full time at a chain bookstore, getting paid 50% less than I got on unemployment in another state! Actually, I think I am better off now!

While I get bored on occasion, I manage to stay busy with a marginal daily routine. I read several books per week, chat with neighbors, write my Blogs and Tweet on the internet, cook meals from scratch, watch news and selected shows on TV, listen to jazz and blues, and ponder the mysteries of life.

When I get my first Social Security check on 10-10-10, I am so out here! I’ll head back east to the upper part of Michigan or perhaps NE Minnesota or NE Wisconsin, find some land and live out my life as a hermit.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Getting Stuff........Luck, or Blessing?

Like Charlie on "Two and a Half Men", sometimes things just come to me without effort. Things I need, like a comfy chair or even money. I it just luck, taking advantage of an opportunity, or a blessing from God? Unlike Charlie however, cute, nubile, 30 yr old sex partners don't seem to appear!

I am now maxed out on space in my 360 sq ft studio apartment. Still have room for some more pictures and some plants, my first I'll get today! Some days, retirement is good!

"Today's" segment on Credit made me laugh. FICA Scores, credit reports, loan payments and credit card debt only matter if you play that "game"...and it is a game. I have never played it, cared to play it and have never won....or lost that game! Cash....ever head of it? If you can't pay cash, you don't need it or can't afford it. Our Grandparents didn't use credit back in the 1930's. Presently we are paying the price of living on future earnings....there aren't any. You lost your job, can't find a new one more than minimum wage, and spent your $50,000 IRA. Wait your me! Welcome to the "Golden Years"!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What to Put in Your Cooler – 5 of the Best Beers You've Never Tried

by: Kavin Yardly

America's big-name beers are great, but if you've been drinking them as long as we have, you just might be in the mood for something different. Also, Americans tend to drink a lot of lager and light beers, which, while cool and refreshing, can lack that bite that you need sometimes in a beer. Here we present 5 beers that you've never tried that you can stock your cooler with next game day:

1) Duvel

Duvel is the flagship beer of Duvel Moortgat Brewery in Belgium, and it's available all over the world. Duvel is a golden ale with a lot of flavor. It's great served lightly chilled straight out of the bottle. Be careful though, because Duvel has a high alcohol content of 8.5%, hence the name Duvel, which means 'devil' in Brabantian!. Duvel tastes best when consumed refrigerated. Duvel can be refrigerated through diversity like counter top fridge, portable mini fridge and sport coolers.

2) Miller Genuine Draft

Miller make Miller Genuine Draft using a special process that prevents some of the beer's flavour from being lost like it is on many mainstream beers. It has won a couple of awards at the World Beer Cup and has a sweet aroma and a mild bitterness.

3) Stella Artois

This is a lager, again from Belgium, but one with a stronger taste than most American brewed mainstream lagers. It has a 'sparkling' appearance and a nice level of bitterness. It’s taste increases if it is consumed chilled with the help of various refrigerating techniques like portable ice maker, rolling cooler, backpack coolers. If you like lagers but want a bit more taste, give Stella Artois a try!

4) Trumer Pils

This one is an Austrian pilsner. Pilsners tend to have a very light color and a distinctive smell and flavour. Trumer is full-bodied and has a loooong aftertaste as well, so it's perfect for washing out the bad taste in your mouth caused by your team losing on game day!

5) Becks

Reportedly a favorite of David Beckham's, Becks is a German pilsner with a pleasing nutty flavor. It's a beer with a crisp flavour and an easy drinkability which is great on a hot day. It also combines well with BBQ food – perfect for game day!

About The Author

Kavin Yardly
Site Representative
Online Retailer for Rolling Cooler & Sports Cooler-

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

PBR vs. Micro Brew Swill

PBR has been part of my life since the 1950’s. Back then, I remember the TV commercials in glorious B&W during the Friday Night Fights. In the early 1980’s when I was part of a management team at a major retailer, PBR was the company’s “un-official” beer after long hours on the job. Where I lived, determined availability. In Michigan and NY, it was difficult to find. The mountain west provided 99 cent, 24 0z Tall Boys, in abundance. But then, upon moving to PDX, PBR became nirvana. It is the norm of bar beers, signs and taps are abundant, and it is inexpensive. A cold PBR is one of god’s treasures, a compliment to a burger or a slice of pizza. It is clean, real beer, with no perfume scent or lingering after taste of flowers, feet, or honey!

Micro Brews on the other hand, are also everywhere. Something about them…. un-dissolved yeast, flavorings like “cherry wheat”, etc just make me sick. I get headaches, like drinking a Hamm’s or Olympia beer at 10,000 feet. I want beer that tastes like beer, not bread. Of course the “beer snobs”, like their wine counterparts, look down their patrician noses at PBR, as they pay 100% more to drink their swill. “Oyo, numb nuts, try filtering that crud!” I laugh at this city’s call to glory as “Beer City USA”, a label which could not possibly measure number of brew pubs or beer sold vs. population. Regardless, it is a “Yuppie” measure of success, like a $300,000 studio condo or a BMW. Swill is still swill.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Bum Hierarchy in the Land of Bumdom

Formerly homeless myself, for about six months,in two different states, I have experienced this on a personal basis. My story is elsewhere on this blog. The NW is inundated by bums looking for handouts and is one of the top 5 states for homelessness (Bumdom). Being homeless does not mean you have to be a “bum”.

Among the homeless and down trodden of society, there exists a class hierarchy. It is as apparent to see, as the difference between a coal miner in West Virginia, and a stockbroker on Wall Street.

“In the land of bums, a bum with $1 is king!”
I believe it is recognized both within the Bumdom and to those in “normal” society. Picture the “food pyramid” and beginning from top to bottom, the levels of Bumdom follow:

On top are the recently homeless…from job loss, foreclosure, etc. Normal folks, educated, moral, but without money. They don’t think of themselves as bums, more a victim of economic events….and a temporary situation.

Next are those who have been on the streets for a while. They include recent ex-cons, divorced, former military, etc. They are willing to seek and desire Government Services and help. They follow procedures and hope to better themselves.

The third level is the wandering mentally ill. They number in the hundreds in any given city, thanks to Ronald Reagan’s policies closing the Mental Hospitals in the US. Many have no clue of even who they are, wandering aimlessly, arguing with pigeons and invisible opponents. They deserve to be in a safe, warm institution, not living on the streets.

Fourth will include the tweakers, alcoholics, and IV drug users, who prey on each other and steal to supply their addictive habits. Pupils the size of pin heads, manic laughter, twitching, nervous behavior are very evident. At least 50% of all social services are aimed at ‘saving” this group. Friggen Liberals.

The fifth level of the hierarchy of bums is reserved for the “gutter punks”, 15- 22 yr old run aways, school drop outs, hippie wannabees, who dress in black with old army clothes, have numerous piercing and tattoos, trade sex for drugs, pan handle, and run scams. They usually have a pet Pit Bull, dragging along. They are the most violent and one of the largest groups. Punks are rude and generally disgusting.

Finally at the bottom of the bum barrel are the chronic homeless, the professional bum. They live on the street by choice, many for decades. They answer to no one, hate all authority and rules. Many stink from few washings, urine, feces, puke, etc. They couldn't’t get in a homeless shelter even if they wanted to, and they don’t want to. They are the worst of the worst and include all of the above groups. They can’t and don’t want to be “saved”.

This is the hierarchy of bums in the Bumdom. Millions may exist in the USA, in every major city and lost in the wilderness. The true numbers are down played by the Government, perhaps by as much as 50%. Services are limited and severely under funded. As the economy worsens, the numbers will explode. Here in the NW, there is already a 50% increase over last year. In the downtown core, the homeless sometimes out number the normal citizens who shop and work there.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday, not Monday

NW and life update: I think, therefore I offend. No really, I listen to the old folks at the "Home" tell their stories about previous wealth and social position, yet all are now on Section 8, and suffer from numerous health problems. What's the point?

They sound like the Portland Trail Blazers, making excuses for being "beaten like a circus monkey" last night. Waaaaaaaaaa, NBA wannabees!

Sunny and nice for a few days, except for the tree pollen which seems to annoy me, that and a few blood sucking bed bugs. They don't hurt when they bite, but my bed sheets look like I've been bedding virgins! When pigs fly!

Very quiet today actually, where do the bums go on Sunday? They sleeping in? It's 12:00 noon.....hello? Nothing on TV, except those damn "paid programs". When did that crap start? I remember back in the 1950's and 60's they had old movies on in the afternoon. Chill, order a pizza with a quart bottle of red cream soda and veg. That is when I wasn't out in the woods building forts, man traps, and bombs with black gunpowder. Dang, those where the good old days!

Nothing more to report, will head to the river on the streetcar, and watch mega yachts tied to the docks, they never leave.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Birth of the Special Forces

Today concepts like unconventional warfare and covert operations are universally known and are a common site on the news in hot spots like Afghanistan. Every branch of the military has elite units of troops to handle highly dangerous and specialized operations. Politicians have grown to rely on them to handle sensitive matters quickly and discretely. There have always been elite fighting units. This idea of specially trained troops being used for special missions has is origins in World War II when the Allies needed a new breed of warriors to wage a clandestine war against the Axis powers. The man who spearheaded this effort was Aaron Bank. He would build Special Forces from the ground up and the face of modern warfare forever.

When World War II broke out Aaron Bank was in his forties and considered to be old for combat duty, so in order to get in on the action he joined the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) the United States intelligence agency that would later become the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Since he had traveled in Europe, spoke several languages and was a skilled athlete he was just the type of man they needed. The problem was that the OSS had no experienced guerilla warfare experts, so Bank and other recruits went to train in Scotland along side experienced British instructors who had fought in Yugoslavia, Greece, and France. They learned many things included communications, sabotage, and most importantly close combat techniques. Martial arts expert William E. Fairbairn taught the Americans everything he knew about hand-to-hand combat including real world self defense techniques and sentry removal using knives and other weapons.

Once his training was complete Bank parachuted into Nazi occupied France with other commandos to aid French in their guerilla war against the Germans. Along with fighting the enemy he had to coordinate between the two resistance groups. With blades, bullets, and bravery the commandos terrorized the Germans day and night until the Allies invaded in force. He would even recruit a company-size unit of anti-Nazi Germans for a mission to capture Hitler. Bank and other OSS operatives supported, trained and fought along side allied partisans in Europe and Asia and let them know they weren't alone in their fight. They were teachers and warriors who made difference.

Were they effective? General Dwight D. Eisenhower said that in France the OSS and the French resistance did the equivalent of 15 divisions and the OSS had similar results in other areas of the war. Even though OSS other Special Forces units were successful it still took Bank years to convince the Army to create a permanent branch of Special Forces for future conflicts. Eventually Army Secretary Frank Pace gave him the green light to begin organizing and recruiting. Since all Special Forces units had been disbanded after the war Bank had his choice of recruits from units like, the First Special Service Force, Merrill's Marauders and even former guerilla fighters from Europe. Highly trained, battle tested and experts in martial arts and close combat these men would be the first Green Berets.

Aaron Bank retired from the military in 1958, but continued to be an advocate for Special Forces troops arguing that a few well trained soldiers fighting along side indigenous fighters could make more of an impact than conventional forces. In the 1970's he fought to improve security as nuclear power plants and was openly critical of how Special Forces troops were used in several conflicts. In 1995 Congress declared Bank "The Father of the Green Berets," and in 2002 the year the great warrior celebrated his 100th birthday President George W. Bush thanked him for developing the unconventional warfare programs that are still in use today against terrorists. He proved that with the right training, equipment, and most importantly the right mindset that a handful of soldiers could make a big difference in combat. Like the cadence says, "When there is trouble in the world today count on the men in the Green Beret."

Types of martial arts & martial arts styles

Article Source:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day...Time to Pay Up!

The patriotic duty of all wage earning taxes so that others may live!

OMG, Rush Limbaugh was on the rant this AM about taxing the rich. Whine, Whine.....they(the rich) work hard and deserve every dollar they get. Yeah, on the backs of wage slaves. The greedy are running scared, looming socialism their worst nightmare. The real reason for the hate and fear of Russian Communism during the cold war.... fear of losing their wealth and ill gotten gains from the backs of the working class. They should be scared!

Today "Tea Parties" are the main game in cities across America. Bah, bulldookey.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

April 2009........So Far, So Good

Been hold up in my apartment, barely able to function with a painful neck (arthritis, and throbbing headache) for two days. None ending rain doesn't help. Thought it was my "light" stretching exercise from Monday, working my neck muscles. I tweaked my neck on waking this AM and "pop", something aligned..."poof", pain gone! The scary could go the other way and I'd be flopping on the floor like a carp!

Enough about me. Getting ready to cross the river, to get a new hard drive for my PC and some cleaning supplies at the dollar store before the rains begin again in earnest. Then it's down to the Senior Center for lunch and more PC action on the slow Internet (all those bored Spring Breakers).

My life is full.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just Another Day.....

Just another day in the ruddiest city in America. This week I have multiple doctor appointments as the old bod' falls apart. Hurts to walk, hurts to sit, hurts period. Oh well, 3 years, 8 months and 28 days to go.

I've noticed that the NW must be the "Electric Wheelchair" capital of the United where have I seen so many. Of course they are all "bullies" and drive faster than people on bikes! Talk about entitlement. Bah.

I laugh at all the Liberals here who think their "City" is the greatest place to live. Numb nuts in Colorado Springs thought that too. Talk about misinformed. Personally I can't think of five things that would ever make me stay here once I get my SS checks. I can't think of one. My problem and cross to bear...I've born worse.

Ah, let the crap's early yet. I can take it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I've written on this site, and re posted a few other articles about the coming “event” on December 21, 2012. Most research on-line, or from books, results in the generic gloom and doom scenarios of war, the rapture, earth catastrophes, etc. Last night, while reading and listening to a smooth jazz station, I thought of another possible outcome of 2012.

Going forward to December 21, 2012 as the hour of 11:11 AM GMT approaches, catastrophe, is indeed, only seconds away. But then something far different, as far as I am aware, begins. At that hour of finality, time literally stops. Stops in every sense of the word.

In that final second of time, the earth's rotation stops. Oceans and land masses are crunched, jolted, and rearranged as often predicted due to the lurch of rational energy. All time stops. The universe stops expanding, the earth stops rotating around the sun, planets and moons all stop, plants stop growing. Humans & animals stop aging, Seasons quit their progression, all activity down to the cellular and even atomic levels stops. Then, I think, something really interesting happens. It starts up again, but in reverse! The sun rises in the west.
Time is reversed, things get younger, clocks go backwards, etc. De-Evolution has begun.

The Earth, Mars, Venus, and other planets return to their primordial status (in millions of years of course), but at some point in time , at least these three will be fairly similar and possibly habitable by humans (at least bio-engineered humans). Whether or not mankind will regress to caveman status is unknown, and even so will take millions of years to accomplish. But it may be possible to arrest this human aspect by science...”suspended animation”, faster than light star ships, etc. What an opportunity.... to stay in stasis while the universe regresses around you, and an opportunity to populate Mars, and Venus when they become “like Earth”. Sounds better to me than the more common scenarios of gloom, doom, and death.

In three years, nine months, 3 days, and 16 hours we will know.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

House of Death

I live in Senior housing, everyone is at least age 55. Most are sick and/or handicapped. Residents call it the "House of Death". I call it Purgatory.

The ambulance and fire rescue come at least twice/day and cart someone off to the ER. Most come back, but some do not! Since the first of March at least three people have died, and two evicted because they are crazy and a disturbance to other residents. One of the nutters pees on the floor, and won't go in her apartment(it's haunted). Hey, it's free entertainment.

Like the Hotel can check in, but can't check out!

PS, When I got back home, after posting the above....they were wheeling out yet another dead guy! Holy crap!

Friday, March 06, 2009

My Senior Housing...............DOA!

It was 9:00 PM Thursday night. The rain was pelting the windows like gravel thrown by a pre-schooler. sounds through my door over rode the TV. Yelling, running feet, doors to the stairwell slamming shut, sirens in the distance growing loader by the second. More commotion that a two for one sale at Macy's.

It was the old drunk Indian in the corner apartment. Two police cars, fire rescue, and an ambulance...yup, he was DOA. Then they gave him a shot of a drug I can't find that "restarted" him.........then they left him here! I've never heard of any attempted suicide where they let the victim go, let alone stay at home. What are they, nuts? His unsuccessful attempt to end his miserable life will only lead to another possible more successful one. Hey, there is the top 6th floor balcony.......just jump!

03-12-09 UPDATE

The Indian is being he went nuts, broke two security cameras and didn't get arrested (no beds at the inn). Kewl.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Portland, Oregon.... "The City That Works"

That's the city slogan, painted on its trucks, etc., perhaps more accurately, it should be called, Portland "The City Without a Clue".

Snow Removal, while not that frequent, is second only to Colorado Springs, CO. in mediocrity. It should not take one week to clear 10 inches of snow from city streets. Three months latter, with no snow in all that time, folks still have their cleated tires on, clicking down the city streets. Back East, in the Snow Belt, plows work 24/7 until it's cleaned up. They plow every street and even alleys...oh yeah, Portland forgot those when they laid out the city, with the smallest city blocks in the USA.

Visitors to the "Rose City" can visit our cultural icons and parks, use our progressive public transportation system, while they circumvent the trash, urine smells, vomit, dog and human poop on the sidewalks, and thousands of bums, panhandlers, and teen runaways with Pit Bulls, and the hundreds of walking insane screaming at shadows. What a grand time for all. "When does my plane leave for home?"

With some luck & the sun is shinning, a visitor or local citizen may see blue sky, but due to the lack of building limitations, sunshine laws, construction setbacks, etc, the high rise buildings of 20+ stories and narrow little streets make it look like a canyon of concrete and glass boxes. Uniformity and maximum space for the buck, trumps architectural significance and design. Build a high rise condo building with sun and views of Mt Hood, only to have them blocked by the next high rise across the street. Most cities I have lived in would not allow zero set back buildings, will protect your right to sunshine (you know, solar power, roof gardens, etc.), require high rises to be "stepped" the Koin Tower and a few others. Lots of cities limit buildings to 5 stories for just those reasons above. Every other city requires off street parking, at least two spaces per unit, not use street parking. Building built to the edge of the property line don't even allow for trees! The ugliest area of the city, and a fine example of all the above, is the congested SW Waterfront area. Portland likes to reinvent the wheel on everything, it seems.

Sustainability, what it really means. Small cities like Boulder, CO or Ithaca, NY are good examples of real sustainable cities.

Obviously Portland only uses the term as a marketing gimmick to promote consumption and make people feel good about raping the environment. The sprout "buy locally" and have nice "Farmers markets".... that buy their produce fro the same California and Peruvian suppliers Safeway does. Sustainability essentially means using what you have locally and reusing waste, i.e., not growth or expansion or building high rise condos that don't sell, right on top of each other. Most of these building developers are not from Oregon, nor are the workers, or even the buyers...let alone all that metal and glass construction materials. Since Portland is one of the poorest cities in the USA of it's size, it is understandable that "outsiders" run things and the local politicians are in their pocket.

Speaking of Politicians, why on earth would anyone choose a flaming gay mayor? Only liberals, and families who pride themselves of having roots here since Lewis and Clark (make that no gumption to go elsewhere) want to "Keep Portland Weird". Congratulations you made it. Portland is officially a national joke.

Just when I thought I had run out of criticisms, I remembered a major one.....lack of shopping. In no city or state I've lived in, has shopping been such a chore. Forget I have no car, even with one, who wants to drive 5-10 miles to a Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy etc. This is a great example of the lack of planning. Perhaps the idea is the wealthy who reside in the $300,000 condos in the city core only shop at Macy's, let the riffraff ride the bus it Tigard.

Then there is the myth that Portland is bike city....not hardly. There are lots of irresponsible bikers, who run red lights and stop signs, weave in and out of traffic, go too fast on bridges, and ride on sidewalks when it suits them. I know of no city except Portland, that allows bikes on downtown sidewalks, let alone skateboards, but that is another ilk. Real bike advocate cities have dedicated bike paths (often abandoned rail road tracks), trails outside the urban core running on side streets, rules that are enforced etc. Portland isn't a bike city, just a city full of bikers. Probably because they don't own cars, or are too cheap to park one.

People, you know those people, whine about overpriced houses & rents in California...gee go look someplace else for a city of it's size and low incomes, look on the internet if you don't have the gumption to travel or move. Portland prices are outrageously high and taxes ridiculously low. If you can afford to pay $500,000 for some dumpy bungalow in the SE side of Portland that costs about 40-50% less East of the Mississippi, you can pay 1% for property taxes...that's $5,000+ per year, for the math challenged

Finally (ready to move to Kansas yet?) crime, gangs, & diversity. A few weeks ago there was an article in the Oregonian or some other local rag about how Portland, only 74% white, was not diverse enough. Now for many years I have realized that "diversity" was a white liberal term. People of color don't care about diversity, they want to be with their own kind. This is why there are ethnic neighborhoods in most cities. Portland is like "bussing"....remember that failed attempt back in the 60's to integrate schools? They put everyone in a big blender and mix them together. Section 8 housing in with the yuppie $350,000 condo owners, black and Hispanic gang bangers in with the Asian store owners and blue color whites. They also mix drug treat centers, homeless shelters, ex-con halfway housing with the seniors center and university day care schools., across the street from the $350,000 condos What fun, look how diverse we are!

But wait, Portland has crime, gang killings, drug offenders, perverts, child molesters, home invasions, robbery, muggings, and murder, oh and fires. What a wonderful community to move your little white bread family to. Sorry, your safer in Newark NJ, Saint Louis, or Detroit.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Parking Wienies in Portland

I live across from a "Community School", a sort of gifted and talented pre-school for faculty and students at PSU. It costs $1, for tuition and $700/mo for students at PSU. Some parents have up to three kids enrolled.

Every night, for the last three nights, I have watched the "Meter Maid" come by at 5:00 PM and give out $20 parking tickets to the parents running in to get their children. The zone sign says "15 Minuter Parking" for the four spaces in front of the school (pickup zone?). The front door to get your kid is 14 feet away, the meter to get you 25 cent ticket (for the maximum 15 minutes) is half a block away.

Many people pay...but take 20 minutes to get their kid. They get a ticket. Some do not pay, run in and get their kid. They get a ticket. At 4:45 the Meter Maid is waiting.

The metered parking expires at 7:00 PM (free after 7:00 PM). I've seen the Meter Maid outside a high rise condo, a block away, writing tickets at 6:55 PM. Now they want to add 50¢/hr in fees to park and extend the metered time to 9:00 PM.

Some folks have 20 to 30 parking stickers on their drivers windows (to confuse the idiot Meter Maid? The maid has a scanner device, like a UPS reader, that reads the sticker to see if it is valid or expired.

Granted she is just "doing her job", but one has to ask if the city is really in that much of a bind financially, that Meter Maids have to circle parking spaces like a hungry hawk over a meadow of field mice!

Monday, February 23, 2009


The "War of Terror", the "Economic Depression/Recession" and all other social issues...where is the sacrifice? From the dawn of history, sacrifice for the common good has been essential for civilization, nations, businesses, and families to suffer through hard times.

Yet, during these current pressing times, where is the sacrifice? Sure, people are losing their homes, jobs, income, and retirement investments. But not by choice, not by self-sacrifice so that others may survive. Major company’s layoff thousands daily. How many would be laid off if all employees took a 25% pay cut, so that all may continue to work? Where are the people voluntarily offering to pay more in taxes so that projects, social services, and tax funded employees can weather the storm?

The military and their families make sacrifices, but others at home, safe in their little worlds of plenty do not.

Citizens claim to be "Christians, Muslims, Jews, or other tenants of major or minor religions each holy day, but in practice, few follow their faith to serve others. Worldwide in the last 100 years people have become so self-centered, in their own little issues that helping others before self are merely a means to get on talk shows or reality television.

Sacrifice could be the solution for all of humanity to overcome war, poverty, homelessness, unemployment, and all the ills of civilization. "The rights of the many do indeed outweigh the rights of a few." From a numbers view I would say it requires more than a tithe of 10% or 15%. I would estimate as much as 50% of an individual’s time/money/assets/help for the good of the group society, or mankind. OK, now that your jaw has fallen into your lap, think about what everyone would get from such an arrangement. If 50% of your efforts and time go to help others, then 50% of their time/efforts go to help you, help your community, your nation, your world. It seems like a win-win situation, a no brainer.

Will it be done...probably not. Should it be done, of course, the survival of mankind demands it.

The End is on the horizon...sacrifice for others are the only solution!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What Does Diversity Do for Me?

Diversity and demographics play a large part of any one's "quality of life". I recently realized that the NW is different from other places I've lived mainly for two basic reasons.

One, the average population is young, mostly 20's something liberals with no attachments, religious dogma, or ethnic identity.

Two, diversity, unlike Michigan and other places in the East, is urban wide. There are no "ethnic" neighborhoods for the most part. All racial, ethnic, and income groups live together, not only in the same neighborhood, but often the same building.

One's ability to mix or ignore such cultural lines by choice is impossible. Liberals think this is wonderful, others like myself, find it annoying.

In addition, the "groups" are further sub-divided into ex-convicts, drug addicts, alcoholics, the generally insane, and folks in various levels of recovery, along with the indigent, elderly with health issues, and runaway youth.

Liberals think this is cool, I think it is absurd! If one wants to associate with all segments of society, I think is should be by choice, not government mandate. Yet one more reason the vast majority of the population lives east of the Mississippi River.

What does diversity do for me? Nothing.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

2012 And The End Of The World

Here is a reprint of another view!

Whatever you are planning for your future, whether it's a new house, starting a family or even going on a diet - don't bother. In four years the world will end and your plans will be ruined. This is the belief of thousands of people across the planet, preparing for the end of the world and death of mankind. So grab your diary and put this date in it - December 21st 2012.

The concept is gaining momentum as many religious texts, historical documents and even NASA have 'predicted' that there will be major changes to the Earth in the year 2012. And with the help of celebrity believers including the always-reliable Mel Gibson joining in, 2012 has become the talking point at dinner parties everywhere.

So, where has this cultural phenomenon come from and why do so many people believe? The widespread panic that accompanied the end of the millennium and the whole Y2K debacle seems to have shape shifted into another end of the world scare. Why should we believe this one when Y2K believers became figures of fun to all those who had mocked them. Well, there are many reasons to listen as 2012 theorists can source 'facts' and 'knowledge' to support their claims.

The most referenced prediction comes from the Mayan Calendar as believers point to the completion of the B'ak'tun cycle as the signal that a new world order will be upon us. So the Mayans have apparently predicted that the end of the world will occur in 2012 and that the length of the lunar moon is 329.53020 days. They were only thirty seconds out with their lunar moon guess so basically it's all over for us earthlings. Misinterpretation can make a big difference when translating ancient texts.

If you aren't convinced yet then take a trip to Yellowstone National Park where the world's biggest volcano lays dormant. Beneath this US tourist attraction, a volcano with a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years is expected to celebrate its special day with us. So when is the volcano's anniversary, that's right - 2012. It is understandable that the volcano is set to erupt in the near future but it would seem unrealistic that it would even wipe out a small section of the American population so are the believers clutching at straws with this one?

Moving on. So the Earth has two magnetic poles, north and south, that help protect the Earth's surface from the devastating effects of the sun. Well, hold on to your hat, because the protection is about to be rescinded, the poles are shifting and we are all set for the worst case of sunburn in history. So, stock up on some factor 50 sunblock and grab the biggest hat you can find because it is about to get extremely hot.

Scientists have also announced that sunspot activity will reach a massive peak in 2012, resulting in severe solar storms and atmospheric changes. With this predicted sunspot expected to be up to 50 per cent stronger than previous ones, NASA has even began making preparations for the problems that await. But will these events make as big an impact on live as we know it as is suggested?

Cynics will say that all of these theories are based upon false translations and misinterpretations that manipulate people's faith and need to believe. However ridiculous the claims may seem to non-believers, it is certainly going to be an interesting day when the clock strikes midnight and the 21st December 2012 is upon us.

Article Source:

Article Tags: Armageddon, 2012, Doomsday, End Of The World, Apocalypse, Holocaust, Mayan Calendar, Y2k